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Dave Gettleman's Shorts

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About Dave Gettleman's Shorts

  • Birthday June 21


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. need to figure out the Center position this offseason Mays is just a backup at best and not a long term answer, Corbett was playing well but can stay healthy and is most likely gone in the offseason, and BC was playing decent but benched for whatever reason and is a FA
  2. one thing I've noticed since Mays took over at center is that he doesn't snap the ball on time when Bryce is calling for the snap. the play clock would be at 5 seconds left and Bryce is clapping and yelling for the snap. the playclock would tick down to or past zero before the is snapped. then either the other linemen would false start or we end up wasting a timeout. now defensive pass rushers know this and are knowing teeing off on it
  3. that entire 3-4 d-line is awful outside of a'shawn robinson. Jaden crumedy had 8 snaps last week, lets see what the rookie got
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