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Dave Gettleman's Shorts

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About Dave Gettleman's Shorts


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    Carolina Panthers

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  1. no, ask Marty who he likes in the 2nd and avoid those players at all costs and then escort him out
  2. the consistent 1.5 sacks per season has Evero foaming at the mouth
  3. if we can get him on a cap friendly deal, any upgrade is an upgrade especially to the D-line
  4. The eagles O-line and d-line were built in the draft filled with 1st/2nd rounders Dave gentlemen was right in that "big men allow you to compete" and "hog mollies". but too bad his scouting abilities were terrible
  5. derrick brown is the only player from that draft still on the panthers
  6. BREAKING: Panthers have high interest on prospect from North Carolina
  7. barno is at least a very good special teamer and on a rookie contract
  8. Moton, Hunt, and Lewis by themselves combines for ~68 million of the cap Cutting bad contracts like Shy Tuttle, Miles Sanders, Dane Jackson, and Yosh Nijman would opening up ~18 million Extending Horn and Moton would open up more space this season also
  9. Shaq and Corbett are both injury prone but if they want to stay and compete, resign them to a team friendly and incentive based contract. they are both valuable vets you want to keep as locker room leaders
  10. had a chance at a deep playoff run with both the Ravens and Texans with either Lamar or CJ throwing to him and also a chance to show out in the playoffs for a big payday in the offseason but instead his ego got the better of him
  11. the 2015 season would prob never happened w/o the strong ending of the 2014 season after starting 3-8-1 and making the playoffs besides Jonathan Brooks, we don't have any major injuries to our important players heading into offseason
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