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  1. When I moved to the West Coast over 7 years ago, I have slowly pulled away from football more and more. Every season I watch less, frankly I am not even bothering to watch the opening game right now. After coming here and reading over your comments, again, I made the right decision. Thanks Huddle for reminding me why wasting my time watching this team season after season is always a complete and utter waste of my time. Historically will probably go down as one of the worst teams of all time since Tepper has taken over running the "poo" Show. Enjoy the game folks.
  2. I dont think anyone is getting fired this season. Just my take but I could be completely wrong.
  3. Seriously, who the hell is going to care enough to have a melt down? This team was garbage from the first game
  4. I know its been beat to death already in this thread but 470 Yards and 5 TD's and we took this clown instead.........Also, watching Stroud at times today...damn that man throws a beautiful ball.
  5. No poo really, thats exactly what I said LOL
  6. As I stated, "Foster could actually make things happen " I was referring to him holding the ball like a loaf of bread. and to answer your question, no, which goes EXACTLY with what I said
  7. Reminds me of Deshaun Foster, cept, Foster could actually make things happen
  8. Sanders has to be one of the worst Free Agent signing in Panthers history. He is terrible
  9. Not get us 2 First round picks in a trade any longer. Thats the only thing I care about with him at this point.
  10. My wife just sais the same thing and she is busy doing school work / looking up every once in a while. SHE even notices that the uptempo is better
  11. Been shitting on Bryce enough but that wasn't a bad drive. Redzone play had me completely fooled at the end too
  12. At least with Richardson, I feel like he could improvise to doing SOMETHING when the play breaks down. Bryce Young looks lost every single snap. I get it, he is a rookie, has players in his face every snap, his receivers are generally playing like absolute garbage but as stated last week from me, Bryce Young does not have the physicality to rise above or the years of experience. This team needs to be blown up again, Young may already be ruined mentally ( physically he will NEVER have it ) and if his mental game is over, ITS 100% over and busted. BLOW IT UP TEPPER! Have some balls for gods sake.
  13. Biggest surprise? If I even watch the game to begin with.
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