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Everything posted by Jaxel

  1. I mean, I know no one likes him, but Pickett has clearly been the best one and it's not close. He went through reads, stayed calm in the pocket, moved safeties and had what 1 incompletion. It was a good day for him. And to be clear, Id rather draft a lineman.
  2. So is the talent. Obviously Cam was generational, but Burrow threw to 2 of the current NFLs best wide receivers and the 1st round pick of the chiefs. Who on Pickett's team is starting in the NFL right now?
  3. True, but Joe didn't even play till his third year, had a very very average season his 4th, and of course had that ridiculous season his 5th. They aren't as different as you'd think.
  4. I would be excited with Pickett. He has solid mechanics and accuracy, a good enough arm. I remember these same trait complaints for Burrow, all be it burrow had ridiculous confidence.
  5. I don't care if he is sueing the NFL, hire Flores the same day Rhule joins Michigan.
  6. Lol, y'all are suckers that believe anything that reinforces your current opinion on the coach.
  7. I'm risking it and going with Picket or Corral.
  8. To be fair, the expectation has always been 3. His 7 year contract has nothing to do with that number.
  9. I mean, Ron is a slightly above average QB away from a contender. If he can hit on the QB market this off season, the WFT will be in good shape.
  10. We should have aged Grier last year, at least we would be having a bad season with Lawrence and some hope to go with it.
  11. After Washington's field goal to go up 24-21, our first play resulting in a holding call to put at 1&20. The amount of times this has happened since training camp is staggering and is really the biggest failure of our staff. Well coached football don't put themselves in that position on seemingly every possession.
  12. Pretty sure Cam himself said in an interview the he told Rhule, that would be the only one. I don't think this is even worth the story.
  13. No, maybe another 1 year deal to mentor the rookie we take in the draft, but I can't foresee a long term deal regardless
  14. Thought Howell looked really good, Picket is accurate too, but didn't seem to handle pressure as well. Still like Willis, Howell, and Strong the best.
  15. I have way more confidence that Cam can get it to a receiver or run it in, than I do in Darnold.
  16. CB has been a huge pain point for years. Rhule and co. Saw that, we complained about for over 5 years, regardless of whether Henderson turns out to be an average player or gets it together, no one is going be worrying about our secondary for while. I'm still on the wait and see, but losing a second and third round pick is not the end of the world, for a team that is objectively a QB away.
  17. Picketts stats are so inconsistent, first 3 years dreadful, this year good. At least Howells are consistent from year to year, as well as Strong's. Give me one of those two.
  18. At least this demonstrates that the relationship wasn't as broken as many thought.
  19. If we do sign him, we might as well use him to mentor Howell, Strong or Pickett next year.
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