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Everything posted by Jaxel

  1. I think Corral will be out of reach, but with the other options I would be happy with one of strong, Willis or Howell.
  2. I think if he meddles there is a 95% chance Watson is your QB next year, whether you like it or not... Personally I'd prefer a rookie instead of that drama, but that just what I think.
  3. We should have drafted fields this year, and sat his ass behind Darnold for 5 or 6 games.
  4. I am now on the Howell train. Draft him, develop him, use cap on O Line.
  5. I don't really care who's assignment that is. You are free and see 2 guys that really would be easy blocks, you go for it. Sam might score if Erving even just chips the guy.
  6. I still think Sam can put it together, but that's just me and it won't hurt my feelings if I'm still wrong lol.
  7. Is Odell even considered a decent receiver any more these days? I feel like he plays 2 games a year.
  8. If the Dolphins don't get Watson at the deadline, he will be the Panthers QB in 2022. I'm neither for nor against this, but I think it's pretty apparent.
  9. They do this with every big name college coach that comes to the NFL. It's called "the Saban Effect."
  10. To be fair to Tepper, he tried to get Watson, the man just decided to go ham on his fetish.
  11. Falcons always use as their get right/back into contention game. I expect the same this week. 35-3 falcons.
  12. If I'm all the other players not on the trade list I'm thinking " well at least we are trying to get some one in here that can win some games." These guys know it's a business, don't think it will impact anything.
  13. I think this will ride up straight to the deadline with the Texans trying to drive up the price.
  14. Pretty sure Arizona's coach came from college with a much less successful bg than Rhule, and the Cardinals let him take his lumps while he learned. Working out for them right now.
  15. Bumping for @LinvilleGorge - so that I can get my crow eating behind me.
  16. Burrow has a out the same level of OL, but he knows how to adjust protection and read defenses. He has half the physical gifts of Darnold But is 15x the QB.
  17. This is me eating my crow. You were right on Darnold. I was wrong. Regardless of that, the front office has to a.) Give up whatever it takes to get a top QB in the draft this year. And B) put every single dollar of capspace into an OL that can protect said drafted QB. That is all, let me have it.
  18. Breath of fresh air, this post.
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