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Everything posted by Jaxel

  1. Man, young is so good though. Haven't heard him really connected at all. Mostly Stroud, Levi's, and AR15.. hoping he is the hidden favorite though.
  2. Hopefully Bryce Young is still in heavy consideration, but I get the feeling that he won't be the guy.
  3. Well I hate both teams, and in slightly favor Byrce Young, dude is just a magician between the ears.
  4. He has s video on Bryce Young ad well. I fo like Stroud, but personally I am still on the Bryce train. I'll be excited either way.
  5. Honestly I just love how calm his feet are at all times. Never looks antsy or skiddish.
  6. To be fair, I am sure they have their favorite. I think they are seeing what they could get back for number 1 if they have enough condition that Levis or Richardson can be the guy.
  7. If we trade to the Colts, it's because we are getting what the Bears wanted.
  8. And that he loves Young. And that Frank likes Stroud, but also loves Richardson. My goodness!
  9. Honestly, we have heard the team loves everyone. I think they are playing the smoke game hard. In the end it will ultimately come down to Stroud or Young in my opinion.
  10. I have my doubts about Richardson too, sure Frank likes big quarterbacks, but he also likes QBs that can at the least hit the side of a barn, which Richardson can not.
  11. I'm still on the Bryce train, if he can stay as healthy as Russell Wilson, he is a superbowl QB.
  12. I think the only threat to trade up is the Colts. Is this just trying to get the texans to move? I read somewhere that Caserio is not looking to trade up though, so there doesn't seem to be much incentive.
  13. Reports that we are looking to trade down, some say we stay, some say we want Stroud, others Young. Now even reports about Richardson. Honestly, no one has any idea what they are going to do. The last few years it feels like the Panthers plans were an open book, easy to read. But are the Panthers pulling off a legitimate smokescreen here? Or have the made a rash move an now outsmarted themselves?
  14. I mean, Arizona literally has no incentive or need to trade up to 1, so this mock is literally broken from the start.
  15. Everyone says that Richardson is the risk reward prospect. I honestly think it's Young, size is his risk, but if he stays healthy, man watch out.
  16. How does he compare to say, Caleb Willaims, who also looks smaller than what he is listed at.
  17. With Stroud dominating the conversation, I wanted to start a topic for Bryce Young. Fans of him, sell us on why he is the better choice than Stroud, and what makes you think he will hold up. I saw some pretty nasty hits when he played Tennessee, but he held up, even when his body got ragdolled. He will need to learn to slide and be smart about the shots he takes. His processing is ridiculous, I love that about him. He can read a defense, manipulate it and beat any type. I think accuracy and processing are the most important tools and he has them. I'll type more later, but doing this on a phone is annoying, so just wanted to start the convo.
  18. I think I prefer Young, but I certainly won't be mad at Stroud. I hope we get the superstar of the two.
  19. Needed a line backer because they have to spend their draft capital to surround their young QB with talent.
  20. One thing I like about Stroud is how calm his feet are in the pocket. His mechanics are near flawless, he resets his feet well, never looks panicked.
  21. Also, it's not like Bryce operated with out talent - Alabama has ridiculous talent every year, probably more than any time except Georgia. Maybe it wasn't quite the same this year, but it's not like it was leagues below Ohio State.
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