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Everything posted by Jaxel

  1. I mean, he's obviously in consideration, I don't really think there is anything to read into at this point. Luckily I feel strongly now that it's Young or Stroud, I don't know who has the lead.
  2. Already reported by Davie Newton that they will be starting the process with Bryce today and tomorrow, so I imagine it will be rinse and repeat, and then again with Levis.
  3. A few misses when rolling out, but overall hitting the passes very nicely - beautiful long ball as expected.
  4. It's already known we are sending everyone to the next 2 pro days at the least. We will see if that changes for Richardson.
  5. Well they better trade up then, because nothing says the Panthers won't take Young and they will be left to deal with Watsons agent.
  6. All right panic moments over for me. I'll trust this supposable all star staff to get it right, but it might take me a bit longer to buy that Richardson Jersey than that Young or Stroud Jersey.
  7. They should bring escorted out the building immediately.
  8. AR or Levis at one could be thr straw that breaks my Fandom back. A decision that poor might make me quit football all together. But this team has made bad decisions for years now so I guess it wouldn't be a surprise.
  9. Honestly I like them both. Humble kids, hard workers, good temperament. I have a feeling that this will be one of those years where the top 2 or 3 QBs are gonna hit.
  10. Man I am so conflicted. Feels like I switch between Stroud and Young every week. Honestly, glad I don't have to make the decision.
  11. Kunkle said this is unconfirmed, I guess we will see.
  12. Copy cat! Kidding you can delete my thread.
  13. Wednesday CJ Stroud Thursday Bryce Young Friday Will Levis Get ready for Panthers taking all three of them number 1 debate and a new favorite after each pro day.
  14. Make it solid 2 year deals for each
  15. I tend to agree, I have never seen this much confusion over what we are doing in the draft, or what free agents we are bringing. For example, no one saw Miles Sanders actually getting signed. People listed him as a good fit, but to me that came out of nowhere. Didn't see him connected by anyone.
  16. I think we need a 3/4 LB, WR and get all the lineman you can find. Protect our rookie at all costs.
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