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Everything posted by Jaxel

  1. The Father thing came from Deon Sanders btw, and no one questioned his intelligence except for fans that have done zero research on the s2 test.
  2. I really think this will happen. I think Bryce and Stroud will will top 5, maybe Richardson, and then Levis and Hooker in the mid first round.
  3. You mention this trade down in every thread, it's okay to admit it's your dream scenario. Nothing wrong with that, I personally just think it's kind of silly.
  4. Nothing would tickle Mr. Scot more than if some version of this trade down happened, even it its for like a 4th round pick. Lol
  5. Personally I think the Panthers would laugh that offer off as not serious.
  6. Yeah, RG3 was really unique back when he was drafted. I think williams would have the same concerns if he came out back when rg3 did. Different game now though.
  7. I think RG3 looks like a duplicate of next year's Caleb Williams.
  8. If Bryce shows RGIII promise and stays healthy we will have a heck of a QB.
  9. On a side note, I went back and watched RG3 rookie year highlights, man he looked dang good, it's too bad he blew his knee out so bad.
  10. I mean they both attended CJ's too, so if it's Stroud did the owner make that call too?
  11. To be fair, RGIII looked like the real deal till he decided to be a crash dummy. That guy would dive head into 2 linebackers to get to the first down. Cleary he wasn't going to hold up and it cost him a pretty good career had he played more Bryce's style.
  12. Minnesota is not a bad landing spot either.
  13. They pretty much indicated that would only draft a QB if it were Young or Stroud and they fell to 8. I would shocked to see Stroud fall that far. I think it's more likely that Richardson and Levis fall. Personally I think Stroud will ultimately land in Houston.
  14. Falc9ns gonna get Stroud and it's going to become the NFC South rivalry of the decade.
  15. Dude has a lot of talent. Think he could sit behind a Ryan Tannehill or Tua and be ready to go.
  16. I don't believe it's going to happen and am firmly on board with Bryce, just stating that I think it's fascinating that Richardson would the target in a trade down scenario.
  17. Joe is pretty connected and is usually very fair. Interesting he sees Richardson at two. Can't imagine the Panthers passing on Stroud if the Texans offer the moon.
  18. Sheena the GOAT - So you leaning Stroud or Young... oooor Richardson?
  19. I like the pick, but man I am torn. Going to be interested to follow both thier careers, I think they both will be good.
  20. Regardless of what happens, I think thr Panthers have put on a smokescreen masterclass. A lot of pressure for the Texans to overpay if their owner mandates a QB and they only like Young.
  21. Live look at Mr. Scott looking for Scenarios that the Panthers are not drafting Young.
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