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Everything posted by Jaxel

  1. Taking the Rams approach I see lol. Tee Higgins or Adam's. If the broncos get spanked Sutton or Juedy are way cheaper.
  2. Heck yeah Varking, love this spirit. Les go!
  3. Goodness this board is miserable. I'm definitely hoping to see a confident Bryce out there. 1 good game will finally change the depression around here, so let's go Bryce!
  4. He needs to be the screen back, that's where he thrives.
  5. Lions are looking to take out 25 years of frustration in this game lol
  6. I agree, personally I would rather us wait for agency and see if we can snag Higgins, but decent WRs aren't always available these days.
  7. I wonder what Jameson Williams would cost, he hasn't done much in Detroit at this point.
  8. Assuming Denver takes another L or 2 they could move into a fire sale. I've seen folks put a 3rd or 4th round value on him. Would you do it?
  9. Agree here, I loved Stroud and Young, but I 100% admit that had I been the GM I would have taken Young, just as most teams would have.
  10. Hrs almost did, go rewatch that game, Georgia was on pins and needles and was saved by two or three dropped passes that were dots by Bryce.
  11. I don't know that I would call 54% completion with 23 tds and 18 interception great off the bat. Luck really took off his second year.
  12. I agree, it is disappointing that he hasn't lived up to being the most pro-ready guy. I don't think it's the be all end all of his year though, there is a lot of time to still turn things around.
  13. Even when he had backups coming in after everyone got injured he still was a couple dropped passes away from beating them in that championship game.
  14. In fact, is Bryce the only QB to beat Georgia in the last 2 years?
  15. To be fair, nobody has won a natty against Georgia in the last 2 years and that's unlikely to change this year.
  16. I would argue that the fact that you have 3 QBs on your roster that can't move the ball against South Florida proves otherwise. But I don't follow Bama so what do I know ha.
  17. Dang, even the Bama fans have turned on Bryce. And that's while having to suffer through the disaster at QB now that he's gone.
  18. Probably not a story. Honestly, I've seen to good highly drafted QBs start out rough and then turn into great players to quite 2 games in. I'm going to be positive till at least game 12 before I start to panic, but that's me and I'm a half glass full kind of guy. So I get that I'm optomistic.
  19. Man, it could be worse. We could be the Broncos right now lol.
  20. Lol awesome, they are killing number 27.
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