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  1. If i were GM I would take Will Johnson and the best DT in the 2nd. Or the best DE available and the best available safety in the 2nd.
  2. I'm debating if your debating that he's debating about something debatable.
  3. Dang I was hoping we would snap up hlHolland.
  4. Still hoping for Javon Holland.
  5. Trade back and Golden or Warren, or Will Johnson and have two lockdown corners to with that back end.
  6. Now get Holland, draft will Johnson and you got a defense.
  7. Brian Burns netted a second and it younger at a more valuable position. Seattle ain't getting that.
  8. Who's the NFL laughing stock now.
  9. Well, regarding McDermott, what other team in the AFC is breaking through right now?
  10. Well the owner we ran out of town had us compete in superbowls, but whatever.
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