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About pamlicopanther

  • Birthday 01/16/1968

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  1. Man......Sorry but trying to be a Panther fan is just depressing. I just can't see any hope on the horizon and if there was i feel it would be screwed up.
  2. ....And I will certainly no questions asked be doing something else besides watching this poo show
  3. Yep....My brother lives right there in Tampa He is currently on the road heading north. Just told me traffic is pretty bad and he had to go 60 miles to find a station with gas. Told him to come on up to eastern NC but i think he is going stop sooner and not come this far.
  4. Bless you for this post. You exemplify how we all should be thinking after disasters such as this. Reading and hearing the other negative reactions is sickening. Having been through too many storms here in Eastern NC I completely can relate to all the feelings you have had and continue to feel. Hang in there.......Better days are coming
  5. In fact.....I want to come join you and go on a "mission" until after November 5th. Now that I think about it....may want to delay that until a few months into 2025 as who knows what kind of craziness is going to happen. So.....please save me the really good stuff
  6. You may want to take a lot more and come back to reality in a few months
  7. Pretty much my setup here in Eastern NC We have weathered several hurricanes and this generator has been awesome and gotten us through a few times
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