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About pamlicopanther

  • Birthday 01/16/1968

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  1. Haven't been to a game in a couple of years but the last few I did attend the music really stood out as you played alot of heavy rock oriented music and that is what I love and the way you did it really enhanced the stadium atmosphere. Sorry to hear you will no longer be doing it
  2. That is cool. Always thought it would be neat to have a small commercial brewery. Same here and about the same time frame. I love good craft beer and there is alot of it available. I love trying new and different craft brews. Alot of work but still keep thinking I want to do some again with my tiny bit of equipment I still have.
  3. Just saw this thread. Really cool experiment. We are in Eastern NC and yep this time of year a few warms days and the maples are popping. I like trying those kind of things too. Reminds me....I want to get back to my roots and start brewing my own beer like a did several years ago before life got out of control.
  4. And don't forgot she donated 5 million related to hurricane recovery But let's hate her.......
  5. I agree I don't care for her music but I certainly do not understand that kind of hate for her
  6. It's all fun.....Kick back and enjoy your life for a few seconds
  7. Always cool to see the Panthers win one. Also, I picked them to win in my pick pool so good for me.
  8. Man......Sorry but trying to be a Panther fan is just depressing. I just can't see any hope on the horizon and if there was i feel it would be screwed up.
  9. ....And I will certainly no questions asked be doing something else besides watching this poo show
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