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Posts posted by Castavar

  1. You know how fans jokingly say they are better than their team's GM? Well I honestly think the majority of the huddle would have been better than Hurney. Holy hell this dude and his diamond in the rough reaches. The only dude I loathe more than this man was Ron and his stubborn ass coaching.........And we had these morons as a pair 😱 What a fuggin waste of a generational QB and a generation LB. Yes, I will never live that down until we win a superbowl.

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  2. 9 minutes ago, MHS831 said:

    there will be 3 preseason games--we will have some vanilla tape.  But at the end of the day, you just have to bust them in the mouth and take it away from them.

    Yep. Play man and blitz the hell outta the rook. Make him prove to you he can beat you with his arm. Until then, blitz the living fug outta him.

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  3. I just like that we actually have a GM and organization that finally takes chances on these types of players. Hurney and Richardson would have NEVER. Yeah, most of the time they don't work out, but sometimes  they do (Tyreek Hill) and you get a steal in the later rounds.

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  4. 29 minutes ago, ChapelHeel80 said:

    Why Jaycee Horn over Surtain? He was the perfect player for us. They loved that his dad played in the NFL. 

    Why not Justin Fields? I believe in Sam. He deserves the opportunity to go out there and play for us. The hit rate on QB's in the first round is not very high. 

    I always find that interesting. I think the Steelers and Tomlin take a similar approach. Drafting players from families with football pedigree. I mean it makes since, these kids have grown up with a HUGE competitive advantage being able to learn from somebody that's been there before. It's like having your own NFL personal trainer your whole life and getting to use resources that other kids just didn't have.

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  5. I don't care, I'm still offering this year's 1st (and maybe next year's 1st) for him right now. Ok, he might sit out a whole season. Who cares, we weren't competing for a superbowl this year anyway. We get a top 5 elite QB for a bargain (he's not going to get banned from the NFL), while also getting another early pick for rounds 2-7. We come into 2022 roaring with a fuggin beast squad full of talent AND an elite QB. We are set for the next 10 years. Voila.

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