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Posts posted by Castavar

  1. Shula. Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula Shula and FUGGIN SHULA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡

    The amount of fuggin times I've punched my tv from this fug. Wasted away all of Cam's prime years with this dude, running Cam like he was a Prius. Wasting away a superbowl because that fug decided it was smart to leave Remmers on an island with Von.

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  2. 24 minutes ago, panthers55 said:

    Actually he went up too early and then the ball went beyond his alligator arms by three feet. He said he lost it in the lights. But Newton gave him a great pass and Funchess was in single coverage.  It should have been caught to erase the questional intentional grounding call.


    Yep. Before the pass even got there, Funchess let the safety manhandle him and boxed him out, which lead to the half ass attempt at a jump. Like bro, you're fuggin 6'4 225 in single coverage against a safety, GO AND GET THAT SH*T. Hell, if he even tried to fight back for the ball instead of that weak attempt at a jump, he MAYBE would have gotten a PI call.

    And yeah, that intentional grounding call was bullsh*t. It was clear he was out of the box, even the other refs tried to argue it. But just another game where the Panthers get screwed over by the refs. God just talking about this game again got my adrenaline pumping. Don't even get me started on Clay dropping that PERFECT TD pass from Cam.

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  3. 50 minutes ago, Basbear said:

    If theres one pick in panthers history that I hated the most- its this turd. he was lazy, soft, and didnt lay out for that beautiful Cam pass in the saints playoff game. 

    Was 1st team all-pro at having cramps, joke of a player.

    Still pisses me off to this day. That was a perfect pass that Funchess didn't even try to go up for. Shi Smith is 5'9 and has already gone up for more balls in his limited time in preseason than Funchess has his whole career. Soft AF

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  4. All this has the makings of a complete letdown come week 1. Jets top two FA acquisitions out. Should be an easy win right? Not for the Panthers. They will find a way to make it interesting.

    Remember when the Saints top 3 WRs were out and everybody thought it was an easy dub? If I remember correctly they went on to still scorch our defense and win.

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  5. Just now, OldhamA said:

    Y'know when Gantt talks about how we're 3-5 years behind the Colts / Ravens?

    This is why. Our third stringers are terrible. This isn't on coaching, they're just not very good. 

    3rd stringers don't win games. Our 2nd unit has competed (and honestly outplayed) both the Colts and Ravens 2nd unit.

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