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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. Why the fug are we always in our own little quadrant of suckage when it comes to these graphs? We were with o-line and now special teams too. That's pathetic.
  2. Same sh*t different week. If our interior even just plays average, we win. If not, expect more of the same. Oh, and we better hope Cook isn't back (even if not, Mattinson has been balling). They could very well take a page out of the Cowboys book and go straight run heavy, which does not bode well for us. I honestly don't like this matchup tbh. Vikings have WAY more weapons than the Eagles did.
  3. How is there a silver lining for losing to a bottom 5 team AT HOME when we had a 9 point lead almost the whole game and had the ball at midfield almost the whole game? This was a Falcons like choke. Oh yeah, and our supposed "elite" defense that had an entire draft dedicated to that side of the ball couldn't even get a stop at the end of the game, yet the Eagles bottom 5 defense could while playing under the same circumstances. Not to mention our offense scored another whopping 0 points in the 3rd quarter, our special teams is TERRIBLE, and our interior o-line is the worst in the league. There is literally no positive to takeaway from this game.
  4. So what you're basically saying is this team is a Rivera lead team minus Cam Newton. Oof, not good at all
  5. Last week it was jumbo packages, this week it was read option.
  6. Yep, if the offense cant get going against Eagles who have been torched all season, then we have no hope. Defense will continue to ball out, only to get winded by the 4th quarter because our offense can't even get first downs
  7. Playoff ready my ass. This team is right back to picking top 10. Not gonna lie, they had us in the first few games. Your same ol typical choking Panthers
  8. Offense + Special teams ruining this game per par
  9. No read option, no PA rollout, no slants, just a fuggin dive with your 3rd string RB into an o-line that's been getting their sh*t pushed in all day. Yeah, I'm bout done with Brady.
  10. Him and Erickson seem to be the only ones worth a damn on special teams
  11. LMFAO Paradis over there WHINING for a call when the play is literally going on and Chuba was right behind him
  12. I have zero faith in the offense. This eagles D has been absolutely GASHED this season, and this offense is making them look like the 85 bears.
  13. This game reminds me so much of the superbowl. Defense balling TF out only to be fugged over by the offense and this sh*t oline with zero adjustments. Some sh*t just doesn't change.
  14. Dammit, definitely coming back lol I was hoping that was one of those knocked out then hit forward plays.
  15. Another 3rd quarter, another zero points. Inexcusable.
  16. Looked like we haven't practiced that one much. Special teams continues to be an issue. Blackburn and Brady should both be on hot seats at this poiint
  17. At this point for the offense, the goal isn't even TDs, not even FGs, just get some goddamn first downs so this D can rest
  18. HASSAN MOTHERFUGGIN REDDICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Just let PJ Walker play 3rd quarters. I mean my fuggin God, how many opportunities do you fuggin need to score?! This 3rd quarter sh*t has got stop. 1 is a fluke. 2 is potential. 3+ times is a trend
  20. This game is LITERALLY being handed to the offense on a spoon fed platter. Literally just make FGs and we win this one by 20
  21. LMFAO Is there a worse Center+guards combo in the league? HOW MANY FUGGIN TIMES DO OUR GUARDS HAVE TO GET BODIED BEFORE BROWN COMES IN?!?!?!?!?! I don't give AF what Rhule or anybody has to say, you cannot tell me Deonte Brown is worse than what we are witnessing.
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