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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. And just like that Robby is catching balls again lol
  2. CAN YOU FEEL THE FUGGIN ENERGY!!!!!!!!!!!!! The whole team is energized off of ONE man. Cam has brought the energy back to Charlotte baby!!!!!!!
  3. CMC probably missed Cam the most out of all of us lol
  4. The most excited I've been in 2 godamn years. THAT is energy. THAT is what this team has been missing the past two years
  5. I'm legit crying right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAM IS MOTHERFUGGIN BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Godamn I missed that play. CMC is automatic with that sh*t
  8. IDGAF how he performs, we were going down the sh*tter anyway, might as well do it with the most iconic player this franchise has ever had (sans Mills). This move has single handily revived my enthusiasm for the rest of season, regardless if we win or lose. CAM FUGGIN NEWTON IS BACK!!!!!
  9. And here they come back. "Those" types of fans, the same fans that wanted him gone in the first place. Fug you
  10. Yeah.............Because he's going to will this team into the playoffs and win us a ship then retire next year!!
  11. I would legit cry if I see Cam in a Panthers jersey this Sunday.
  12. I wanted Fields, Lance, Sewell, Slater, Parsons, Horn, or Surtain in that order. Whenever you have a chance to draft in the top 10 and get a potential franchise QB, you take that every single time. Panthers way of building a team is so outdated.
  13. IDK why people think it's a conspiracy. They literally put gray area rules in place for the refs to call whatever they want at any time of the game to control it towards Vegas lines. If you don't think these sleazy lawyer ref assholes don't have money on these games, then you're naive. How can you be a Panthers fan and not believe in rig jobs? Because we all witnessed one of the most blatant ones in superbowl 50. We got fuggin hosed.
  14. I didn't have Fields on our draft board because I legit didn't think he would get past the 49ers or Falcons. But I couldn't believe it.........Fields fuggin dropped to us!!!! I was so fuggin excited, I thought FOR SURE Fields was our pick at that point. But lo and behold, the Panthers did typical stupid sh*t and drafted yet another defensive player. The worst part of all of this is next year's QB draft class is absolutely fuggin terrible (I'm talking 2013 bad). So now we are stuck with Darnold next year, so yet another wasted season. THEN you STILL have to draft your QB a year after, and add on another 2 years for him to get comfortable, and then hope he shows some promise. If not, you are right back into QB purgatory. So basically, we are 2 years away from being 2 years away. That's even if we draft a QB (which this coaching staff has already proven they can't evaluate QBs). We're basically fugged.
  15. He should check out a paranormal specialist too to know just how many ghosts he's seeing.
  16. Yeah, the trade hurts now because hindsight, but I still didn't mind the trade when it happened. We gave up some draft picks to try and find our franchise QB who was still young and we thought we could fix him. I'm ok with that. What I DIDN'T like is (like you said) doubling down on him before he even took a snap for us. Why not wait and see what you have before making a commitment? Also, not drafting some protection for your new QB that you are trying to "fix" was also a red flag. This many terrible decisions is why we will be a bottom dweller team for a long time.
  17. I don't want Cam, but not for the reason you think. Cam doesn't deserve that. He already had to go through the likes of Byron Bell, Nate Chandler, Mike Remmers, Shula, etc. I don't want to see that man get trounced behind this line and then have to deal with a OC WORSE than Shula. Leave that man alone. And this whole situation is why we were trying to tell fans to stop sh*tting on Cam his whole time here, because you don't know what you have until it's gone. THIS is what it looks like to be in QB purgatory for a very long time. You fans (you know who you are) got your wish.
  18. Godamn, when you put it like that. We've hit rock bottom. Hell, they just fought and won against the Bills. I guess you're right.
  19. Really wanted Ben Navarro. Dude had great plans for this franchise and the Carolinas. In the end, money won out and now we are stuck with our version of Jerry Jones. Dark times for Panther fans.
  20. That hurts bad for a team that needs all the picks they can get to rebuild this o-line. We'd probably just draft more defensive players anyway
  21. Without even seeing him throw a pass in a Panthers uni. Terrible decisions like this is the reason we will never be a consistent winner. Stop plucking players from franchises that have been sh*t for decades lol We are literally the Jets South
  22. And this dumbass franchise picked up his 5th year option without even seeing him throw a pass lmfao You can't make this sh*t up. This was supposed to be a rebuilding process, well we officially ruined that by trading our picks away and not drafting o-line.
  23. It's not like Ian Thomas was going to do anything with it anyway lol Yeah, this franchise is heading towards the sh*tter quickly. Overpaid players that produce absolutely nothing, middling owner, GM that loves trading all our draft picks for projects, and a coaching staff that couldn't even out coach Purdue at this point.
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