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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. This is why I have no faith in this coaching staff. It doesn't matter how great a unit performs, Rhule will just fug it up and plug that injured "starter" right back in.
  2. Just imagine, if we had Cam from the beginning of the season, we're possibly sitting at 9-2 right now.
  3. And this is the only reason I watch!!! Only Cam can do that sh*t !!!!!!!!
  4. Bad teams doing bad team things. I'm done. Not wasting another Sunday on this crap. Just want to watch Cam ball, but can't even do that because it seems our WRs don't wanna catch a fuggin thing today so whatev.
  5. Could not care less. Literally only watching because of Cam. This season was lost when we got owned by a Saquonless Giants team.
  6. This. Should have been the plan all along. We could have Justin Fields learning behind Cam right now to make a smooth transition in like 3 years.
  7. It also got me thinking.... Why TF wasn't Gilmore shadowing Terry from the jump? Snow also with a shitty decision. These college coaches ain't it man. Literally all three of our college coaches today got "cute" and ultimately cost us the game.
  8. We FINALLY thought we found our starting core for the rest of the year. Trent Scott was playing damn good as well as the rest of the line the past few games. So what does Rhule do? Just plops sorry ass John Miller who's been sucking all year right back in, ruining any cohesiveness and momentum this line gained the past few weeks. Rhule continues to overthink things. Just like how he was about to punt on 4th and 4, this dude just does not understand momentum and reading the room.
  9. True, but I think people are missing the underlying point here. It's not even about the wasted timeout (even though that was bad). It was the fact that an NFL coach didn't even know what to do in a situation like that. Good coaches know EXACTLY what they want to do depending on the 3rd down prior. Like "look, if we gain 4 yards on 3rd down, we're going for it". Or "if this 3rd and 4 doesn't work, we're going to go ahead and go for it again on 4th". Rhule didn't know whether he wanted to punt or go for it, and the ONLY reason he called a timeout to go for it was because he was getting flamed from the crowd. So we have a head coach that lets the crowd dictate your strategy. Not a good sign.
  10. I don't want either of them. Both coaches suck.
  11. Was not mad at the call, mad at the indecisiveness and wasting a timeout because of it. Agree 100% with the call, defense couldn't stop anybody all game.
  12. Ain't he proved it on that wasted timeout on 4th and 4. The fact he didn't already have a plan in place for that situation screams he literally only went for it because the crowd booed him. As a head coach, you should already know whether you are going for it BEFORE it even gets to 4th down. I'm done with this college "cute" coaching staff. They do not have what it takes to succeed in the NFL. Hell, Rhule and Snow couldn't even beat ranked teams in college. This is not surprising.
  13. Defense choked HARD today. All those resources wasted on defense. Elite defenses are so overrated in today's NFL.
  14. That's a catch. Still not enough to overturn it anyway
  15. That is like 50 seconds he just saved us. Well by God we still have a chance
  16. Holy sh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Terrible decision from Gibson there lol
  17. I guess grass isn't always greener on the other sisde. Well at least not some coach who couldn't even beat ranked teams in college
  18. Absolutely fugged us from having potentially 2 drives to win the game. After that timeout, our only chance was that 4th down. Terrible fuggin coaching from the start, terrible fugging management since he's been here.
  19. And now because Rhule is a b*tch, he wasted a timeout to even get to that point. If you already had your mind made up BEFORE that play, we still have a chance
  20. Anybody still feels like the NFL calls our games fair? lol
  21. It's like this every game with us. Other team can do no wrong, but we have to play a perfect game or the refs will flag us. Sh*t is getting old
  22. Hope these refs step on a bunch of legos when they get home
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