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Posts posted by Castavar

  1. It's really not that fuggin hard. Just go study how the 49ers used Deebo last year. A lot of us have been saying that is the ideal amount of touches you want for CMC, not just sending him up the gut 15+ times. We want CMC to OPEN of the offense, not BE the offense or else it's Cam Newton all over again. We're going to waste yet another superstar because of dumb coaching, the Panther way.

    • Pie 3
  2. 10 hours ago, RJK said:

    I’ve got 3 pretty good ones.  At 13 I took a puck to the mouth. Knocked out my front 2 teeth and pushed the 3 teeth to the left back and up into the roof of my mouth. Emergency surgery while wide awake. They pry the teeth out of the roof of my mouth and wire everything together. Pretty gnarly when you’re spitting out pebble sized chunks of teeth.

    Broke my wrist freshman year football. Grew up pretty poor so you had to be close to death to see a doctor. Basically two weeks pass while we wait for my sprain to go away. Realize it isn’t getting better and go to the hospital. Bone had started to knit crooked so they put my arm in this contraption that holds ur arm like ur raising ur hand with a 90 degree angle at the elbow. Slowly adding weight until it rebreaks and they can set it properly. My arm sounded like boat rigging being stretched. 

    Lastly but not leastly I was a decent skater in my 20s and I remember trying a switch backslide flip down a 12 stair at the concord nc courthouse. Came close a couple times, then the next thing I remember is waking up in an ambulance just covered in blood, no idea where I was. 10 stitches in the back of my head. not a big deal but ever since then I get chronic migraines. 

    A switch backside flip down a 12 stair? Dude, you were fuggin insane! The fact you were even trying anything switch down a 12 stair is crazy enough. That's pro level right there lol

    • Beer 2
  3. 26 minutes ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    Who is going to block for him?

    How is the defense going to stop anyone?

    You do realize his last year playing the offense wasnt the problem with the Texans.  Their defense was poo.

    1. Who blocked for Burrow?

    2. Defense already can't stop anyone (couldn't even stop Kirk Cousins or Jalen Hurts).

    And are we just going to ignore his previous two seasons before that year he went 10-6 and 11-5? You cannot compete in today's NFL without a franchise QB.

  4. About what I was expecting, which is why I wish we traded for him BEFORE he got cleared (last year). Could have gotten him at a discount. Now the price is really ramped up. Oh well, he definitely not coming here now. And LOL to all those people saying Watson would never play in the NFL again. Guilty until proven innocent is the new wave nowadays.

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