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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. Tepper is a fuggin slimeball. This is what I feared when Ben Navarro's name was out as a candidate. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING he has done since coming here has been a failure. His ego and meddling has fugged this franchise so hard. I hope his soccer team stumbles hard too (which I've heard it has). Makes you really miss JR.
  2. Eyes don't lie. We run Sanders up our trash guard's ass every fuggin 1st down. It's infuriating. The same godamn play too. Not motion, no stretch play, no trap blocks, just your basic HB dive right up the fuggin gut. Colts fans laughing their asses off.
  3. No more fuggin trades with Fitterer. Don't even give him the idea. He's already wasted so many of our assets and have NOTHING to show for it.
  4. We don't. We dug our grave, now we have to lay in it. There is no fix. Fire the coach and GM now, NO MORE trades. Try to recoup as much draft picks as you can. Start COMPLETELY over, and hopefully Tepper doesn't fug up his next GM and coach (which are not great odds). Basically, the Panthers you've come to love is long gone. There is no identity with this franchise anymore. We are the new Browns. This will take decades to turn around.
  5. I've gotten to this point. At least when we sucked early on, there's was still excitement that we might get a top 5 pick. We don't even have that now. Seriously, what is there to look forward to? The other 2 QBs are looking GREAT in Stroud and AR, our coach is somehow WORSE than Rhule, we have one of the worst owners in the league who meddles in everything, our QB is a midget who fumbles anytime he is touched, our best defensive player who disappears in more games than he dominates wants an elite contract, we DIDN'T trade him for 2 1st rounders when we had the chance, etc. Like seriously, there is literally NOTHING to look forward to this time around.
  6. https://www.nfl.com/stats/team-stats/defense/passing/2023/reg/all Seahawks ranked bottom 5th in defense and they haven't even played yet, and Vikings ranked last lol So yes, Bryce played an even WORSE defense than Dalton did
  7. This loss is on Reich for plowing Sanders behind the guard 13 times on every 1st down
  8. He put up 6 points against the worst defense in the league lmao
  9. Don't you get it? It doesn't matter if he fires Fitterer or not because Tepper will be the one who decides who the next GM will be. And following Tepper's track record so far, he will pick the wrong one and we are right back here. Until Tepper is gone, we will never witness another playoff game again.
  10. Keep in mind, our offense only scored 6 points against arguably the WORST defense in the league. We are FAR away from even being mediocre, let alone competing for the playoffs.
  11. Agreed. Get that fugger outta here before we wastes even more of our draft picks. Him and Tepper has set this franchise back for 5 years.
  12. It IS rock bottom. I thought Rhule was rock bottom, boy was I wrong. It definitely got worse
  13. Should have just taken our lumps this year with Corral or a backup QB and readied ourselves for that superstar QB draft next year. Instead, we followed Tepper's wants and traded up to #1 in a weak QB class
  14. The only thing that will get me excited is if we fire Reich after one year and hire either Ejiro from our own coaching staff, or an up and coming offensive coordinator. If we roll into next year with Reich again, it's over.
  15. Good. I hope every one of his teams suck. Hopefully he'll give this owner thing up if all of his teams are terrible. Doubt it though.
  16. Crazy how 35 year old Andy Dalton can almost throw for 400 yds with the same weapons and horrible playcalling, but Bryce can't even surpass 200 yards.
  17. Not a damn thing. He will go focus on his soccer team now. This was always his toy to play with. He doesn't give a sh*t. The only consolation to us sucking this bad is that he is a joke amongst his owner peers.
  18. Meanwhile another 10 yard gain on 1st down for Vikings lol
  19. Super processor doesn't even have the awareness to not take a sack to take you out of FG range
  20. Bullsh*t. The Cardinals literally lit up the best defense in football last week with Doubs as QB. It's not the players, it's the retread coach that the NFL has past by.
  21. If us fans can call what's coming, you already know the Vikings know what's coming. They are literally selling out on 1st downs for the run
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