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Posts posted by Castavar

  1. 10 minutes ago, lumbeecheraw75 said:

    Im curious when It would've been ok to release him, because as of this offseason, he was still clamoring to be on a team, and 32 teams still said "No Thanks". I loved Cam. I loved Jake. But I'm also not blind and can  see when a player is broken and The Team needs to move on from The Player. TB2Gloves wasnt the upgrade, and sure, the position was mismanaged afterwards, but releasing Cam wasn't was bad as "Fandom" and "Hurt Feelings" make it out to be when you have the Team's interest in mind and not your own.

    I would have had no problem moving on from Cam if it meant going with a rookie. But to throw the best QB in franchise history to the curb for Teddy fuggin Bridgewater?! I don't give a fug if Cam was 60%, a 60% Cam is better than Teddy 2 gloves. All the blood, sweat, and tears Cam shed for this franchise, the least we could have done was let him finish out his contract.

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  2. Wasting Cam and Luke's prime with Rivera and then letting our franchise QB get headhunted during the superbowl and the following year's first game really did it for me. We should have had 2 rings with two hall of famers on the same team during their prime, yet in true Panthers fashion we failed miserably. I care more about my fantasy team nowadays than the BS they keep throwing out there. It's the same sh*t every year. And now after 5 years, we can now say we have one of the worst owners in the league.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, CRA said:

    I actually liked the fact Cam handled losing so poorly big picture.   The game meant everything to young Cam.  Most of the league is just business and paychecks in reality. 

    and late in his career he eventually became largely a textbook podium guy. And that’s also when the magic was gone. 

    You and me both. I also loved when he tore down that Packer sign at BOA stadium. Cam was so passionate about winning and just football in general. It's a damn shame we wasted him and Luke's prime with Rivera.

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  4. 1 hour ago, kungfoodude said:

    I am just not sure we could have seen the injury plagued run for Horn. He didn't have this rap in college.

    I was a Surtain guy but Horn is just a head scratcher. How do you plan for a guy that is always injured and doesn't have those classic injury red flags?

    It wouldn't have mattered had we just not gotten cute and picked the highest ranked CB and the better college corner in Surtain.

    • Pie 3
  5. It's called getting cute in the draft. There were THREE players ranked higher than Horn when we drafted. Slater, Surtain, and Parsons, which were all needs for us. Even if it wasn't Slater or Parsons, Surtain was still the better CB than Horn all the way up to the draft. We got cute.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    Im not even sure what we are playing for this year. We clearly lack talent on offense. We don't own our 1st.


    I guess the growth and development of Bryce is why we watch the games this year. Not gonna lie I lose interest in the team if it gets real bad. I remember not even watching games anymore under Rhule.


    Hopefully they at least be competitive this year.

    I just want to actually watch a top 5 offense for once. If we are going to lose a lot, at least be entertaining. Close games, big scores, flashy plays, fuggin something. We can't even get that. We've had the most lethargic, boring offense for 5 years now.

    • Pie 1
  7. Just now, Carl Spackler said:

    Any coach is gonna be hard-pressed to win 4 games with this roster, top-to-bottom. I've noticed the angriest people are the usual suspects plus the people who expected 9-10 wins this season. I'm not sure there's 9 wins to be had combined between 2023 and 2024, and that's even as Young improves.

    Bullsh*t. Wilks won more than that with less talent. That is the lamest excuse I've heard.

  8. 1 minute ago, Carl Spackler said:

    I'd say easily the WRs were the worst, because I'm gonna pin most miscommunications on them, as was the case with Cam in 2011. The OL was fine and the pass rush was better than expected. The QB is a rookie who made some nice plays and a few bad ones, and the run defense was as bad as expected.

    What surprised me more than anything, by FAR, was how often I was saying "What is Frank Reich thinking"

    Really? Did you not watch Frank Reich at IND?

  9. Just now, Martin said:

    At least we didn’t make our QB the highest paid one in history like the Bengals. Burrow is such a bust. What a terrible player. Based on todays game he will be out of the game for good shortly. Am I doing this right?

    When did Bryce lead his team to a superbowl and AFC championship game in back to back years?

  10. 2 minutes ago, onmyown said:

    This is his toy. He wants the credit for ‘turning things around’ and thus he won’t let go. Similar to San Fran 7 years ago. He really needs help but refuses and wants to meddle at the expense of fans.

    Like I said, it’s his toy he doesn’t care. He’s finding ways to make money and putting in input when he shouldn’t because otherwise he wouldn’t be playing with his toy and certainly can’t reap the credit for success, which will never come. He connects the dots he just doesn’t care.

    Failing means nothing to him, in his mind, there are more important things to worry about.

    Unfortunately, this 100%. Tepper doesn't give two sh*ts about the Panthers. He just wants to be the reason why we succeed, hence him handpicking his head coaches and being vocal about it. Sounds like certain owner that has failed decade after decade *cough cough Jerry Jones *cough cough*

    • Pie 1
  11. Just now, BIGH2001 said:

    That’s what we were told when he was licking watson’s balls for two offseasons. It looks like he’s taken another swing and miss. This time it’s cost him a lot of assets. This guy has got to be the worst thing that ever happened to this franchise.

    I'm more concerned in his decisions of coaches. He HANDPICKED Rhule AND Reich. It all starts at the top. We are in bad hands.

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