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Posts posted by Castavar

  1. God I miss Cam so much đŸ˜„

    He was the epitome of Keep Pounding (other than Sam Mills of course). He injected Charlotte with CRAZY energy that will never be replicated. I still remember going to that game against the Saints where he had a walk off TD to Domenik Hixon to clinch the division. That place was fuggin ROCKIN!!! So much joy, so much hope, so much energy, so much passion. Now? This franchise is the epitome of lifeless.

    • Pie 5
  2. 4 minutes ago, Youngs Ten Yard Bombs said:

    Absolutely he has

    Tepper knows a #1 pick when he sees it



    Bryce Young was 100% a Tepper pick. I'm very anti Reich, but Reich has ALWAYS loved the bigger QBs who can stand in the pocket. You can't tell me he would just all of a sudden change his ways with the #1 pick. There was definitely some influences that made him change his mind.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Rags said:

    In the games he's played in if you unclench your ass and stop being hyperbolic. 

    Really? Which game? The game he threw 2 ints to the same dude and only passed for 146 yards? Oh my bad, you're probably talking about the game where he threw for 153 yards right? No? So you're talking about the one today where he fumbled for a TD that pretty led the way for the Vikings comeback? I mean, he finally did throw for over 200+ yards today so you must be talking about today. Wait, he only scored 6 points against the worst defense in the NFL?

    • Pie 3
  4. CJ Stroud and Richardson already has. They continue to pile of highlights that make Bryce Young seem like a 4th round pick. Cam right off the bat had plays that made you go "yeah, this kid is legit". Hell even the rook from the Raiders made some crazy throws that almost brought the Raiders back to win against the Chargers. Nothing Bryce has done has made me do that. I'm afraid we picked the wrong QB.

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  5. I'm genuinely happy for CMC. He was my FAVORITE Panther after Cam. Even when we sucked, he made watching fun. You knew he was going to put up a highlight every game. Happy he got to go to the most RB friendly scheme with Shanahan instead of watching him being ran up the gut and ruined with us.

  6. Tepper is a fuggin slimeball. This is what I feared when Ben Navarro's name was out as a candidate. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING he has done since coming here has been a failure. His ego and meddling has fugged this franchise so hard. I hope his soccer team stumbles hard too (which I've heard it has). Makes you really miss JR.

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  7. Eyes don't lie. We run Sanders up our trash guard's ass every fuggin 1st down. It's infuriating. The same godamn play too. Not motion, no stretch play, no trap blocks, just your basic HB dive right up the fuggin gut. Colts fans laughing their asses off.

  8. We don't. We dug our grave, now we have to lay in it. There is no fix. Fire the coach and GM now, NO MORE trades. Try to recoup as much draft picks as you can. Start COMPLETELY over, and hopefully Tepper doesn't fug up his next GM and coach (which are not great odds). Basically, the Panthers you've come to love is long gone. There is no identity with this franchise anymore. We are the new Browns. This will take decades to turn around.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Captroop said:

    This grim reality is really making me question my fandom. I quite simply have lost interest in the team, which I never thought could happen. And knowing there is nothing to look forward to on the horizon, it's not just a matter of "I'm not watching next week," fandom. But rather, "I'll check in on how the team is doing a couple of times a year" fandom. 

    I've gotten to this point. At least when we sucked early on, there's was still excitement that we might get a top 5 pick. We don't even have that now. Seriously, what is there to look forward to? The other 2 QBs are looking GREAT in Stroud and AR, our coach is somehow WORSE than Rhule, we have one of the worst owners in the league who meddles in everything, our QB is a midget who fumbles anytime he is touched, our best defensive player who disappears in more games than he dominates wants an elite contract, we DIDN'T trade him for 2 1st rounders when we had the chance, etc. Like seriously, there is literally NOTHING to look forward to this time around.

    • Pie 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, AceBoogie said:

    No we played the worst defense in the league last week. An offense scores points. This ain’t basketball. 


    Seahawks ranked bottom 5th in defense and they haven't even played yet, and Vikings ranked last lol So yes, Bryce played an even WORSE defense than Dalton did

    • Pie 3
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  11. 1 minute ago, GhostWhispah said:

    Tepper NEEDS to fire Fitt pronto cause he was the one who included DJ in that trade who is making Fields look legit now that he finally decides to pass to him. NO ONE trades the team best playmaker just to move up. The 49ers would NEVER trade either Deebo nor Aiyuk to move up in the draft cause they understand playmakers win games while Fitt did NOT by trading our ONLY one so da Bears played him like a dumb GM. 

    Still upset about that more than anything else cause DJ would be making Bryce look good now like he is doing for Fields 😞

    Don't you get it? It doesn't matter if he fires Fitterer or not because Tepper will be the one who decides who the next GM will be. And following Tepper's track record so far, he will pick the wrong one and we are right back here. Until Tepper is gone, we will never witness another playoff game again.

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