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Posts posted by Castavar

  1. Just so tired of it always being "Next year" I'm ready for it to be this year already.

    Yeah, I feel you. I actually thought we were a legit contender for the superbowl this year with KB. But who knows, anything can happen once you get into the playoffs. Maybe our running game will be #1 this year and Funchess surprises everyone with 1000+ yds. That's just me wishful thinking though lol

  2. A good year, this will not be.

    How do you know? This is the easiest schedule we've had in years, our O-line is looking legit, Cam is healthy (KNOCK ON WOOD), defense should go back to being dominant, and the NFC South is still sh*t. Winning the division again and securing a playoff spot is not out of the question at all.

    And hell, even if we are complete sh*t, that's not such a bad thing either. Maybe Shula finally gets canned while we get a top 5 pick and get KB back next year. I'd be happy with either of those outcomes tbh.

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