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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. Why are we kicking a godamn field goal? Take this team to work on your 4th downs plays
  2. Typical Shula runs straight up the middle 3 times method. Great playcalling
  3. LMFAO we are absolutley pathetic in all phases of the game
  4. We build around our defense in FA and drafts, yet we still can't stop nobody and our offense still sucks.
  5. I swear our offense has started the same way for 2 years now.
  6. Yeah, I feel you. I actually thought we were a legit contender for the superbowl this year with KB. But who knows, anything can happen once you get into the playoffs. Maybe our running game will be #1 this year and Funchess surprises everyone with 1000+ yds. That's just me wishful thinking though lol
  7. How do you know? This is the easiest schedule we've had in years, our O-line is looking legit, Cam is healthy (KNOCK ON WOOD), defense should go back to being dominant, and the NFC South is still sh*t. Winning the division again and securing a playoff spot is not out of the question at all. And hell, even if we are complete sh*t, that's not such a bad thing either. Maybe Shula finally gets canned while we get a top 5 pick and get KB back next year. I'd be happy with either of those outcomes tbh.
  8. Our offense is going to be absolute sh*t now. Our offense was solid sh*t before this, now it's liquid sh*t. Oh well, hopefully Funchess really is the next KB this season.
  9. ARE YOU FUGGIN KIDDIN ME!!! I wake up and this is the first thing I see? WTF PLEASE GOD let it just be a sprain.
  10. Did you see that bullrush from Cox? Almost got him another sack. WOW. What an ending to this preseason game
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