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Posts posted by Castavar

  1. Preach brotha. I'm a firm believer of tanking when you are not even close to superbowl caliber and your season is already in the drain. I was fully on board with the tank when we got rid of CMC. Should have continued with Burns and Brown and anybody else who could have gotten us a decent haul (including DJ).


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  2. 1 hour ago, OneBadCat said:

    The refs rigged the game for Manning’s retirement party. I was terrified of that match up the two weeks before because I knew the league wouldn’t let us compete fairly.

    I knew we were fugged as soon as I saw that Clete Blakeman's crew was reffing it. In case people forgot, the Broncos were a perfect 5-0 in games refereed by Blakeman before that superbowl. And to make matters worse, he also grew up a Broncos fan. That superbowl was rigged from the start.

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  3. 1 hour ago, rebelrouser said:

    I have Devon Achane in fantasy. Was really looking forward to him rushing for 200 yds against this poo run defense.  The team offers nothing but comedy or misery. I chose comedy. 

    Just pick up Jeff Wilson. He's coming back from IR this week and both Mostert and him will have over 100+ yds each against this sorry run defense.

  4. 53 minutes ago, Khyber53 said:

    You happen to watch any of Peyton Manning's first season? I was stuck in NW NC and could only get tv broadcast from Bristol, TN. And they made sure to showcase every one of the Tennessee product's games that season.

    Wow, he stunk. You knew he was going to be just terrible. And while he was bigger than Bryce (by far), he was about as mobile as a '78 GMC pickup truck with three flat tires. 

    Had you been able to bet on it, there's no way anyone would have passed on dropping a few bucks into the "bust" bets column for Peyton. 

    And that's repeated again and again. And sometimes those that come out of the blocks with guns blazing and winning like crazy, well, that second year is it for them... the wad is shot. 

    We just don't know how this is going to go yet. There's really no way to know.

    You talking about the same rookie year where Peyton rewrote rookie records for completions (326), passing yards (3,739) and touchdown passes (26)?

    • Pie 2
  5. 1 hour ago, tukafan21 said:


    In no world is any team giving us 2 firsts for Bryce right now, that would be insane given how he's looked so far and the upcoming QB class.

    There isn't a QB needy team that would make that move as opposed to just being bad this year and hoping their first can get them one of the QB's.

    If anyone would make that trade, I'd do it right now and hurt myself from laughing too hard at how dumb they are.

    Sh*t, I wish a team did value Bryce as 2 1sts. I would hop on that IMMEDIATELY. There is no way in hell ANY team in the league values Bryce that high. However, Fitterer would probably pass on that offer too lol

  6. 12 minutes ago, Johnstonny said:

    Yea...prolly. But Harbaugh has more football knowledge in his little finger tip than both teppers combined... daves problem is he doesn't know what he doesn't know... so keep doing sht wrong.

    I agree brotha. Until Tepper stops meddling with football decisions (which he won't, too much ego) we won't sniff another winning season for a long time.

  7. 1 hour ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I agree that Bryce isn't the problem. Neither is Reich or Fitterer or the roster. The problem is on the owner suite. Those other people are part of the problem but ultimately David Tepper is THE problem.

    Yep. You can try to eliminate symptoms one by one, but if the main thing causing the symptoms doesn't go away, you will continue to be sick.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Swirly said:

    To be honest, I'm not worried about Bryce yet. He's a rookie and there are going to be growing pains. I just keep reminding myself that Peyton Manning had a pretty bad rookie year as well.

    I am so fuggin tired of everybody saying this. Peyton did not have a bad rookie year. Yes, he threw a lot of ints, but he also set the NFL rookie records for completions (326), attempts (575), passing yards (3,739) and touchdown passes (26). Stop with this narrative.

    • Pie 4
  9. 5 minutes ago, Jackie Lee said:


    Now imagine our next coach that Tepper will handpick. Does a coach really want to put up with Tepper's sh*t, always looming over operations? Probably why Ben Johnson noped the fug outta here as quick as possible. He saw the circus from a mile away. We are royally fugged. Only retread coaches will put up with Tepper's sh*t.

    • Flames 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Khyber53 said:

    We had the answer, in our building, coaching the team.

    He's now wearing a headset in San Francisco and having a heck of a good time.

    Just saying.

    We had the answer, Tepper just didn't like his zoom call (Shane Steichen).

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