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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. Bruh I really don't get this fanbase. All those years bitching about how we always let talent go, and now we actually KEEP our talent on a more than fair contract and people still bitching. You just can't win with this fanbase.
  2. All this has the makings of a complete letdown come week 1. Jets top two FA acquisitions out. Should be an easy win right? Not for the Panthers. They will find a way to make it interesting. Remember when the Saints top 3 WRs were out and everybody thought it was an easy dub? If I remember correctly they went on to still scorch our defense and win.
  3. I hope you're right about us picking up that Baltimore backup kicker (I think his last name was Verity). He looked silky smooth kicking the ball yesterday, and he's already gotten to learn from the best kicker in the league.
  4. 3rd stringers don't win games. Our 2nd unit has competed (and honestly outplayed) both the Colts and Ravens 2nd unit.
  5. Wow PJ. You just played yourself out of a sure thing.
  6. Fug it. Go get Verity when the Ravens cut him lol
  7. LMFAO Steve is funny AF And Luvu better be on the final roster
  8. No! We can't lose anymore depth at CB. We're already thin as hell
  9. I don't care how many more kicks Slye makes this preseason, his ass needs to go. He's going to cost us a lot of games this year if we don't.
  10. Grier throwing some good passes when he actually has time
  11. Steve Smith is a natural. Such a pleasure to listen too. Great mix of humor and knowledge.
  12. I think we can all agree, if Grier makes the final roster over PJ, then we have no hope with this coaching staff lol
  13. Great throw from Grier there. Marshall showing good hands
  14. Holy sh*t. This Luvu dude has been showing up all camp and in preseason games. Dude has earned himself some serious playing time once regular season comes. There are some dudes that just leap off on your screen, and I'm seeing Luvu every fuggin where making plays
  15. Luvu is really growing on me. Dude is always around the ball making plays
  16. Same sh*t, different day. Redzone woes and Slye missing an easy kick. This experiment needs to end before regular season. We've got to get ourselves at least a decent kicker. Who cares if Slye can almost make a 65 yarder, he never does and constantly butchers the easy ones.
  17. Bruh, Chubba Hubbard is literally CMC lite. Soft hands on that one too
  18. I'm so fuggin excited to see this young defense this year!!
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