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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. Didn't see this posted yet, but this video did a great job breaking down Darnold's play against the Steelers. Don't feel like recapping cause I'm tired, but some really good stuff. Darnold made some really great decisions and threw some dimes.
  2. No fuggin way. That was too much BEFORE all these accusations came out. For a team that still has many holes, this would set us back substantially. Mind you, I was the one willing to give up 3 1st rounders for him before all this came about. But now way I'll add 2 2nd rounders on top of it. If Hurney was still in charge, yeah go for it because those picks would be wasted anyway. Not now with Fittermagic after seeing what he accomplished this past draft? HELL NO.
  3. Helluva block pickup from Tremble. You're going to get a lot of playing time if you can protect the QB.
  4. Backups showing the same intensity as the first group. Sign of great coaching and everybody buying into the scheme.
  5. Charlton is fuggin built different. We got really lucky getting him
  6. Darnold can make all the throws, he just needs time. He also showed GREAT movement in the pocket.
  7. Fug yeah it feels good not to have to hold your breath on XPs
  8. That man is legit drunk lol Sipping on something in that booth
  9. I th.................................................. Yep that pretty much sums it up lol
  10. Sam dropped it right on the back shoulder of Robby. Can't do it any better than that! You can see they still have that chemistry from the Jets.
  11. GREAT fuggin pass. When he has time, he can make any throw. That's the biggest difference between Sam and Teddy.
  12. Fug going for it, let's see this big leg of our new kicker!
  13. I don't care what anybody says, Darnold has looked very good despite this horrid o-line play.
  14. Gamedays would be a lot more fun if we had more commentators like that.
  15. You may get your wish the way the Jets players keep dropping like flies
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