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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. Some of us were calling out his abysmal record against ranked teams even way back then, but what did it for me was him bringing his college buddy with him as DC. After further researching his resume, realized his only NFL coaching experience was as a linebackers coach for the 0-16 Detroit Lions. Then going out and getting yet another college coach (Brady) who wasn't even the damn OC for LSU with all those superstar WRs.
  2. Ramsey with the pick. Big time players making big time plays. That's what elite players do.
  3. Holy sh*t this Falcons Rams game is INSANE!!!! Falcons really came back from 28-3 lol Falcons just caused Kupp to fumble and now could take the lead. What a game!!!
  4. Holy fug Trey Lance looks like he broke his leg. 49ers lucky they didn't trade Garrapalo lol
  5. I wasn't even worried about "accidentally" winning because Rhule will always find a way to lose. 1-25 record when teams score over 17+ points against us doesn't lie.
  6. I didn't even bother making a prediction. We all know what the outcome is going to be at this point. Rhule's team will come out flat. We'll get a little lead late in the 3rd quarter or 4th, then the other team will just come roaring back and win in unimpressive fashion.
  7. There are many reasons to watch your favorite franchise. 1) They are winning 2) They are entertaining. 3) To watch our young players progress 4) Fantasy purposes PS. We have none of those going for us right now
  8. I used to get so mad after losses, but lately (starting last year), I just genuinely don't give a F anymore. This team has no players I like sans CMC. The last little bit of character and culture we had left with Cam. Tepper has come in and destroyed any ounce of culture and history we had. Starting to look like one of the worst owners in the league. Can proudly say I have not spent a dime on merch or tickets for the last 2 years. Welp, nothing else to do now but to start researching our next HC (even though we are a year late because of dumbass Tepper).
  9. I'm so glad we are now a year behind the coach search because Tepper saw something in Rhule that nobody else did. Fuggin dumb, should have been canned last year.
  10. There is no doubt in my mind that Tepper is going to give Rhule the full 7 years. Hopefully Rhule bails us out and dips to Wisconsin asap.
  11. Why did we fuggin pay CMC huge money to not use him? Why TF would you go out and get Foreman to not use him? I just do not understand the logic of this coaching staff.
  12. Only the Panthers would run their offense through the 4th best WR on this team lol
  13. Burns angles are the absolute worst. Dude leaves like 7 sacks a year on the field
  14. Shi Smith not ready for the big games. Where TF is our 2nd rounder or automatic Higgins?
  15. It's fuggin ridiculous. He praises our DBs all fuggin camp saying how they are the best group in the league, only to run fuggin zone and not man up lol This coaching staff is the biggest fuggin joke in Panthers history.
  16. Happens once = Lucky Happens Twice = Coincidence Happens Three or more times = Trend
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