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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. LMFAO Modern day NFL team consistently running the ball on 3rd and manageable
  2. Wait, how do you eat dick? Do you saute it then serve it with a little bit of pepper?
  3. Quote 'Panthers needs to accept 1st round picks for mediocre players when given the chance'
  4. Yep. It will be similar to when we were able to get Reddick on a friendly 1 year deal because the Cardinals were playing him out of position.
  5. So I guess QBs can just punt a ball and not get a penalty
  6. Even coaches on the sidelines were throwing up their hands like "WTF are you doing?"
  7. You know how some dudes just enter the game and immediately that side of the ball plays worse? Well, Baker is one of those players.
  8. Man. I lost my mom to lung cancer in April and I was absolutely BROKEN. Still am tbh. I miss her so damn much! I don't know how he continues coaching after everything's he's been through, because after I lost my mom all I could muster up was sitting in the yard chair for like 3 months. He's a good dude no doubt. Wish him nothing but the best. Life is fuggin hard.
  9. This will definitely be one of those games where both teams step on the field.
  10. Not to mention all the money that could have been used elsewhere that we are going to spend on Burns. Just an all around flub by the front office.
  11. I'm just getting pissed off with these half assed "rebuilds". If you're going to do it, then stop being a pussy and fully commit. Trading CMC was a step in the right direction, then we hesitate on Burns and Moore? Fug that, you should have gotten compensation for anybody that wasn't a franchise QB, and since we don't have one of those, EVERYBODY should have been readily available for draft picks. Can't wait to overpay Burns just to watch him overrun sacks and get pummeled in the running game. This franchise will never get it right, too many sorry ass people at top to turn this thing around sadly.
  12. Classic Panthers. Buying high on players nobody wants, and not selling high on players when it presents itself. What else is new? "But, but, but, if Burns is traded, you'll see just how bad this defense is". Well look at the current score lmao
  13. Hell, a win this week while the Falcons play the Chargers, the Bucs play the Seahawks, and the Saints play the Ravens, and we could end up right where we were last week when we play the Falcons again on Thursday lmao
  14. I've been saying that the Bengals are going to end up just like us. Almost the exact same trajectory. #1 overall QB pick. Mediocre head coach being carried because of said #1 pick. Franchise QB playing behind a sh*t o-line, taking a beating. The only difference is that Joe Burrow actually has a true #1 WR, which makes what Cam did for so long even more ridiculous. Imagine if Cam had Chase, Tee Higgins, Boyd, and Joe Mixon in his prime
  15. Not to mention that I honestly think the Rams will stink next year and the year after that. So those two firsts has a high possibility that they end up being high firsts.
  16. Bro stop, dude missed a 32 yarder in OT. Rattled or not, he had a chance to redeem himself and failed miserably. An NFL kicker being paid close to millions should be able to manage a fuggin 32 yard FG. Dude is just not clutch. Go look at his choke against the Chargers when he was on the Bears. He's just not clutch.
  17. Probably not. He actually made meaningful kicks in the clutch last year and also sent his team to the superbowl with a game winning FG.
  18. Exactly. Refs blew BACK TO BACK calls in that browns game week 1, and both of them just so happened to be on the Browns game winning drive. Roughing the passer BS and the fake snap spike that went uncalled for Brissett (should have been intentional grounding). Then we had yesterday with the missed false start AND blatant holding on their Byrd TD, the BS DJ Moore helmet penalty, calling us for like 8 straight penalties on the drive where PJ had to complete like 4 3rd and longs just to take the lead, etc. Happens on the regular. I'm sure next week will come down to a BS penalty against us too.
  19. Like, how can Panther fans watch that game, superbowl 50, the opening game against Denver, etc. and still say it's a "conspiracy". Yes, all teams get shafted ONCE IN A WHILE because of a bad call, but this sh*t happens on the fuggin daily for us. Hell, once the refs were announced for our superbowl, there were threads made on here worrying about Clete Blakeman and how Denver was undefeated when he reffed their games. So we already prepared ourselves for an unfair called game, and lo and behold. This is more than just getting shafted on a bad call once in a while. We seem to ALWAYS be on the wrong side of a bad call in big moments.
  20. Bro, if a team is willing to give up TWO 1st rounders for Burns you take that. 1) You don't have to overpay Burns when he isn't even a game changing DE 2) You replace him with one of the 1st rounders 3) Now you have an extra 1st rounder to further bolster your team. All can be had for a DE who constantly over runs sacks and gets folded in the run game.
  21. Holy sh*t I guess I had that blocked from my mind from anger, but everything just came rushing back. That game was utter BS. Don't even want to think about it.
  22. It's just a franchise thing at this point: Cam "you're too young to get that call" Newton Cam getting speared on national television with no flags BS roughing the passer on Jacobi Brissett to help the Browns kick the game winning FG. Missed intentional grounding on fake spike from Brissett on same drive. Missed false start AND holding on Falcons LT on their go ahead TD to Byrd Cotchery caught that fuggin ball Refs blowing the play dead when we are literally in the sequence of a tackle and fumble against Dallas last year Calling a BS intentional grounding on Cam against the saints in the wild card when he was literally outside the pocket. And make no mistake, there WILL be more this year and in the future. We've been getting shafted from the refs since I can remember.
  23. There's a reason for this................................Vegas. All those ticky tac rules are in place so the refs can sway a game into a certain direction to cover the spread. Pay attention next time to the vegas lines for a game, then watch how the refs ref it. The spread for our last game was 4 in favor of Falcons...................we lost by 3. There's a reason that a ticky tac 5 yard hold defensive call can result in a new fresh set of downs.
  24. Dude has no clutch gene. He's a good kicker when's nothing's on the line. But he's shown this before. Looks familiar huh? Short kick to win the game. Pulls it left. Dude cannot be trusted for clutch kicks. Can't wait to get Zane back.
  25. lol No it wasn't. It was Matt Ioannidis. Come on now, a least get things right when you are trying to make a point.
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