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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. Knowing the Panthers, we'll win this game and then lose the following week to the Saints lol
  2. I think you're missing the point. We are only running our offense like this because Wilks inherited the remains of Rhule's constructed team. He doesn't even has his own hand picked coaches. But despite all that, he's still willing to learn and adjust on the fly and applying it a week later (as seen with all the misdirection and motion we hadn't seen in weeks prior). Wilks is doing a hell of a job considering the circumstances. Now, does that mean he is the one that will lead us to a superbowl? Who knows. But he is showing signs of a good coach that can catch up to what the league is doing.
  3. We have to keep James Campen at all costs. He was my FAVORITE coaching signing in the offseason. Dude is proven as an elite offensive line coach.
  4. I found a quote from Wilks after the game that I REALLY liked, because it shows he actually pays attention to what's happening around the league and applies it. That quote alone tells me 2 things. 1) He's looking around the league at what teams are doing and applying it to better his team. That's a great sign of a coach willing to adapt. 2) He's not stuck in a certain mindset that "players just have to execute". He's trying new things and adding wrinkles WELL INTO the season. For an interim coach, that's impressive.
  5. Yep. All those 20-30 yard runs we were having will magically get called back by some mysterious holding call that won't be replayed by the broadcast. Then, every 3rd down the Bucs don't get, a magical defensive holding call will grant them a new set of downs. This will happen multiple times this game. Then when we finally sack Brady, a roughing the passer will be called. We've all seen this story before with the Panthers.
  6. Yep, this Bucs team is BAD. So whatever happens win or lose, we deserve it.
  7. Man. Can you imagine the Cowboy refs in the playoffs?
  8. If Horn is out for season, this season is a wrap tbh. We've seen what happened when we didn't have Henderson last week, and now we lose our best CB? Yeah, that would be it for us unfortunately. Horn's starting to become injury prone.
  9. I DON'T like that call though. You have them on their heels. Go for the first down.
  10. He has really come into his own this year. He's played decent all year.
  11. What a fuggin pass. GREAT protection on an all out blitz too
  12. Shi Smith almost single handily turned this game around
  13. That drive was kept alive because Marshall made a big boy catch we haven't seen in a WHILE.
  14. I like this Raheem Blackshear kid. Has some juice and seems to catch the ball fairly well
  15. Incompetent organizations do incompetent things. There's a reason we STILL have no back to back winning seasons in 20+ years.
  16. Defense beyond overrated and pathetic. Burns a no show yet again. D getting handled. Lions might score every drive tbh
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