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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. I don't care about Bryce throwing picks every day. I actually welcome it. He's finding what works and what doesn't at the next level. That's what practice is for. Honestly, I would be worried IF Bryce was slicing our defense 24/7 because that would mean two things: 1) Our defense is going to be complete ASS this year 2) Bryce peaks too early in training camp and has no room to grow People need to chill lol
  2. I still want to know what Bryce thought Steve was trying to imply at the end? That sh*t got awkward quick.
  3. Just did. Really good stuff. I like the fact that everytime I see Bryce, Josh McCown is damn near hip to hip with him. Josh is coaching him TF up.
  4. Yeah he got a little defensive about that one. Can't even imagine what Bryce thought Steve was trying to say lol
  5. Damn. If that doesn't say how bad Rhule was, then I don't know what would.
  6. What the hell would that do? lol You can't restructure the offseason to avoid fluke injuries. It's football, flukes injuries are going to happen NO MATTER WHAT they do. That had to be someone like Josh McDaniels that texted that lol
  7. That's fuggin terrible man. Not just for Burrow (obviously hoping for a speedy recovery because the NFL is better when he's playing), but for the fans too. Imagine spending all offseason eagerly waiting to see your team for the new NFL season, only for your fandom to derail before it even starts because your superstar QB got hurt in training camp. Absolutely terrible for everybody. I'm hoping it really is just a calf strain like first thought instead of something more serious.
  8. Bryce Young bust confirmed lol Obvious sarcasm
  9. Bro what? We haven't seen a pass that good since Cam.
  10. 1. Byron Bell wasn't on that superbowl team 2. Byron Bell is THE worst lineman in Panthers history
  11. It's not so much age, but mileage, and Haynes hardly has any.
  12. God, isn't it a breath of fresh air to not dilly dally around with 1st team reps like a certain previous coach?
  13. Ok, now THAT is impressive. I know most articles around this time are just fluff pieces, but this is actually notable.
  14. Wait, this can't be right. I was shown a OTA video of him underthrowing passes by some youtube channel voicing their concerns.
  15. Exactly. Batted balls is like 75% o-line fault and 25% QB's fault. QB's fault for staring down where they are going to throw it, and o-lines fault for not getting theit defender's hands down. Stats have shown that there is no correlation to height and batted balls.
  16. Bro, I know people aren't up in arms about a couple of underthrows/overthrows.......................................in OTAs lol
  17. Claim it's for "safety", yet Thursday Night games and turf is still prevalent.
  18. That's what I'm saying. People acting like these SEC players grow another 4 inches when they get into the NFL lol
  19. Offense sells tickets and is entertaining.
  20. Week 9 bye would be clutch right before that Thursday night game and 4-5 games on the road during that stretch.
  21. OP is 100% right in the fact that if we win that Bucs game, we set ourselves back 4 years. This offseason would have been GRIM! As for tanking, I think most of us have different definitions of "tanking". I was ALL FOR tanking, which for me meant resting key starters and letting more young guys play to see what we have (which also meant losing more). Take that last Saints game for example, we lost TWO IMPORTANT players on our o-line to major injuries and now probably won't even be ready for the season. That game was meaningless, you absolutely tank and play your young players and rest key starters to PREVENT that, while also attaining a better draft pick in the process.
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