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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. I don't want to hear any excuses about crowd noise, Ickey has been doing this sh*t since the beginning of the season
  2. LMFAO How many false starts is that on Ickey now? Watch the fuggin ball at this point
  3. I usually have three other games on my other monitors to keep up with my fantasy players.
  4. Well, at least we'll get the number one pi.........................................oh wait Seriously, what do we have to look forward to with this franchise? I honestly got nothing.
  5. The only consolation of being this bad is that Tepper's smug ass will never get to enjoy his product.
  6. If he's not getting beat deep he's getting a pass interference.
  7. If you don't like that sequence, you don't like Panther football
  8. These announcers getting frustrated for us lol Even they're getting tired of our sh*t
  9. How do you throw a penalty for holding, and then afterwards say "oh nevermind, it wasn't holding"? What kind of fuggin sense does that make?
  10. We lead the league in picked up penalties for 20 straight years now
  11. Hell no. After seeing him fail to make the playoffs by choking against the then 2-14 Jaguars. I wanted no part
  12. That play should be a fireable offense by itself. Reich is not it.
  13. That one play tells me al I need to know about where Reich's head is at, which is up his ass.
  14. Really glad we wasted a down running a fuggin read option with Andy Dalton when time is of the essence
  15. I think that might be the first time I've heard Gross Matos name since we've drafted him lol
  16. It was literally a busted coverage lol But eh, a TD's a TD
  17. Why does it seem like anytime we get past the 50 yard line, we ALWAYS get penalties? We are allergic to TDs it seems
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