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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. I'd rather see what Plummer has than trot Bryce back out there tbh Hell, I'd rather pick PJ Walker off the street with limited time to learn the playbook than put Bryce back out there. That was the most boring football I've ever watched and that's including the Clausen season.
  2. I just don't see how Bryce can improve anymore than what he's already shown. Is he magically going to get a stronger arm, faster, taller? The ONLY thing he could get better at is processing information, but even that will only take you so far because of his lack of arm talent. His value will not get any higher than what it is right now, especially with injuries to some QBs around the league (looking at Miami). He's a sunk cost, get what you can get at this point and prepare for next year to draft another QB to learn behind Dalton.
  3. Dolphins backup QB just go hurt and out for the game. Hit us up Miami
  4. Mike Jack cappin off a great day with the pick. Him and Horn are going to be lethal
  5. Uh oh, how much time we got left?! lol Godamn, there's still 10 minutes left?!?!?! Sh*t
  6. Godamn Shula. Almost had an aneurysm saying that name again
  7. Bryce no where to be found when everybody else giving Andy props.
  8. Of course the refs don't call the most obvious DPI of the game, yet called us for everything lol
  9. Chuba has turned into a very solid fuggin RB. I remember we all were sh*tting on him his rookie year for his brick hands. Dude has gotten better every year
  10. Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how fuggin good this o-line has been today? Those stats didn't lie last week regarding o-line grades, Bryce really was the problem
  11. Man, now I'm kinda Giddy to see Brooks sprinkled into this offense
  12. Eh I'll take it. More points, still moving the ball. This is the biggest breath of fresh air I've had in a long time.
  13. Dalton looking faster than Bryce lol and refs still trying to fug us lol
  14. Momentum is a helluva drug. Getting that confidence back on defense knowing your offense isn't going to go three and out is huge
  15. These refs can suck that fattest d*ck. Absolute 4 horse sh*t calls in one half, all against us.
  16. Bowers is going to be one of the best TEs of all time when it's all said and done. Watched him at Georgia too many times, dude is one of the best college TEs I've ever seen
  17. When was the last time we've scored over 20+ points in a half? I honestly don't know lol Seems like it's been that long
  18. When was the last time we've seen a throw like THAT?!?!?!?!? It's been a good minute. Last one I can think of is PJ Walker's hailmary
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