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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. Defense with that bend but don't break mentality, but offense is hindering us badly.
  2. There was no Panther even in the area. If the first Jag didn't get it, then the 2nd Jag would have.
  3. We are absolutely terrible. Horrible offense, horrible WR's, horrible defense, horrible coverage. WTF is going.
  4. We are having this much trouble with the Jags. Not looking good at fuggin all.
  5. On back to back plays, the refs moved back both times. This is almost as bad as the 49er game. What have the Jags done to warrant these favorable calls?
  6. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cam is freakkin WAY past the 1st.
  7. That was absolute bullsh*t spot. Cam was like a yard over the 1st. Refs ran down and kept moving back and back.
  8. As big as a Shula hater I am, he is actually calling a good game. We should have 14 points right now, but the penalty and drops are killing us.
  9. Not good when WR's dropping passes in preseason carries over into regular season.
  10. LOL We are fine with what we have right fellas? We don't need WR help smdh
  11. LOl You can't challenge forward progress idiot Jags
  12. YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Godamn I missed Ginn. Those field positions are great.
  13. Gronk did that EXACT same thing 2 times on Thursday, no call. I see receivers do that all game, no call. Gonna be a long game.
  14. Absolute great drive only to be fugged over by the refs.
  15. Gronk is absolutely insane. BTW, what the hell are the Steelers D doing?
  16. Damn, that Pats D is playing really good. Nothing is coming easy.
  17. What amazes me the most about this game is that Steelers have played like absolutely crap and Pats have fired on all cylinders........ and they are STILL only down by 10.
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