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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. Good play Coleman. BUt we are just letting this team stick around.
  2. Damn. Jameis and Bucs have been improving each week.
  3. LOL Falcon fans booing their team. Such classy fans eh? Falcon fans are starting to become the worst fairweather fanbase in the NFL.
  4. Everybody (specifically the media) is going to be surprised by this game. But this looks like the same Falcons team I saw the past 4 weeks. They just didn't get to comeback in this one. I knew that sh*t wasn't going to be sustainable.
  5. I wonder if Cubs will finally let Bartman come back if they go to the world series lol
  6. I see the same ass Falcons as last year. Soft ass defense and O-line having trouble with pass blocking. The only difference is their running game, which we flourish in stopping the run.
  7. This right here. Both Shanahans are known for creating dominate running games with their schemes. Freeman is a good back, but I highly doubt he would be having these types of games if he were here.
  8. What awareness by Brees His neck bout to do that giraffe thing again though lol
  9. As much as I hate mole face, dude still throws some insane perfect throws.
  10. All these stupid hypotheticals about who will be 1st, and yet the Falcons could very well come back and win. People seriously talk way too soon when watching games.
  11. The Falcons are so full of themselves and smug as sh*t, I cannot wait until we wipe those fuggin stupid ass grins off their face.
  12. It's so lovely watching Shanahan call a game.
  13. IDK about y'all, but that garbage time TD really pisses me the fug off. Eh whatever, a win is a win.
  14. I think we have something in Delaire. Dude's been in the backfield all game
  15. That was probably Cam's worst pass of the game. He puts that on the money and that's an easy TD. That was a hard catch for Funchess, still should have had it though
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