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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. Same dribble every week. Here, I'm just going to make a list of what opposing fans will say to save us time in these threads. 1. Keep Cam in the pocket and we win. (which Cam has proven over and over that he can kill you from the pocket) 2. Hit Cam in the mouth and he will get frustrated. Cam hates adversity. (Even though Cam plays his best when teams try to rough him up) 3. All we have to do is double cover Olsen. (Like teams haven't tried this already. General NFL fans don't understand that our passing game isn't just Olsen. Go ahead and double Olsen while Ginn and Brown take the top off of your defense) 4. I'm not worried about their offense (Even though we are 4th in the league in PPG and #1 in rushing)
  2. It is downright SCARY how fuggin dumb people are.
  3. PLEASE GOD don't let us go to that conservative soft zone bullsh*t.
  4. That should have been a 4 down drive. Even if you don't get it, they would have been on the 1 yard line. We need TD's, field goals aint gon cut it.
  5. Every opponent forum I have been on regurgitate the same dribble. Double team Olsen and we win, keep Cam in the pocket and we win, their secondary can be exploited (although there may be some truth to this), they have no weapons, etc. It's funny, I have yet to hear from any opponent's forum about how they will stop the run (which we are #1 in the league). All I hear is how they can stop our passing game, which is the least of their worries.
  6. Gotta wake up in 3 hours for work............................................................. FUG IT!!!! WE WON!!
  7. Ok. I'm sold. We really aren't meant winning this game. Unfugginbelievable.
  8. We just aren't meant to win this game. I mean seriously, Luke had it thrown straight to him.
  9. I stayed up for this bullsh*t. I got to go to work in 3 hours and got no sleep to see us choke.
  10. We go away from what works the whole game EVERY FUGGIN TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Greg has been on the wrong side of bullsh*t calls ALL YEAR.
  12. I've been VERY impressed with Special Teams tonight.
  13. Godammit Gano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 23 is such an ugly number haha
  14. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. It was just a matter of time until Velasco and Cam fug up an exchange. Jesus Christ man..
  15. Give me chances with Stew up the middle than a fuggin stupid ass screen to Whitaker.
  16. I see teams do that damn near every game........ no call. Right as we do it, OPI.
  17. WTF are we doing? Oh look, it's pouring down rain, let's pass 50 times. We're moving away from our identity and letting this team hang around.
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