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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. People calling for screens. Do we even have a screen play that doesn't consist of two fakes?
  2. That's the ONE thing Cam has to work on. Situational football.
  3. Funchess has gotten a hell of a lot more comfortable catching passes now.
  4. He throws that on time in stride and it's a first. Granted, the O-line is getting straight whooped with these blitzes not giving Cam any time.
  5. Had Olsen open crossing the field but chooses to throw a long bomb to Cotch.
  6. Refs making their appearance already in the 2nd half. Gonna be a long 2nd half.
  7. Yep, not to mention the obvious OPI on Walker and whoever picked Tillman. Olsen has been called 4 times on that same exact play, yet they don't get called for it.
  8. It's just obviousz refs are against us. If it's just one game ok. If it's two games, alriight we have to clean stuff up. But when it's been going on every game for the whole season, there's obviously something going on. They can get away with OPI's and holding yet we get called for every little fuggin thing.
  9. That's what I'm saying. Mariota will just continue to kill this soft zone sh*t.
  10. Oh STFU Titan fans, just be lucky refs missed another jersey hold on KK
  11. Nice spot refs. What is it with the refs and hatred for Panthers this year?
  12. Most of our assets are on defense, yet it's our offense that continues to outperform them. Come on defense pick it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. First Walker was allowed to block before Mariota broke the line which is clear OPI, then Tillman gets picked on an illegal pick play that gets called on us 100% of the time.
  14. How many offensive pass interferences are the Titans going to get away with today? Olsen gets called on far much less.
  15. Are the refs seriously not gonna call these OPI's? Been like 2 this drive
  16. What I tell ya? Same regurgitated zero thought out crap. Had me a good laugh. The delusion is real.
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