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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. You heard it here first. We winning this game. They WILL NOT keep this hype up. Y'all a bunch of fairweather fans.
  2. Uh huh, of course you do Mike fagg0t. It's obvious what the NFL wants
  3. It's the godamn 1st quarter. Jesus Christ, no wonder other fanbases don't respect us.
  4. He's clearly down bruh. Don't hold your breath though. You know how the refs be
  5. LMFAO It's the fuggin 1st quarter. Saints got to a fast start, they won't keep this up. Calm the fug down.
  6. Oh godammit, now Fox is trying to create their narrative about Cam.
  7. Tillman, please get fuggin better so we can move Bene back to slot.
  8. A white pocket QB gets that call 100% of the time. Sorry, had to do it.
  9. Of course he misses it. I swear to God they better switch to our game. Nobody wants to see this crapfest.
  10. Don't like Cam celebrating, don't let him into the endzone. Bunch of pussies. Commentators whining like little bitches.
  11. Your defense is for real. Mariota is also a good one. Y'all will be good for years to come and will own that division.
  12. Come on, punch this in here so we can reach our average lol
  13. Special teams has been off the chains in this one, minus the Webb penalty.
  14. See that, we need more of those delayed checkdowns.
  15. We're going to add in a 4 fake screen soon or later
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