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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. EVERYTIME we get a huge KR or PR we always get a penalty. What a late ass penalty too.
  2. Defense is our calling card eh media? Yeah fuggin right
  3. To be fair, Cam missed a wide open Olsen. Good playcall
  4. Cam is fuggin Jekyll and Hyde today. Hell, the whole team is.
  5. Brees got greedy!!!! Had a WIDE OPEN crosser and chose to go with the big play.
  6. People talking about cutting Ginn and now they all on his d*ck LMFAO
  7. For all the misses Ginn has, he ALWAYS comes back huge with one down the road.
  8. I've been positive all day, but I'm starting to get the feeling that we just aren't meant to win this game.
  9. This is the same Saints team that couldn't even put up more than 6 against the Texans. WTF
  10. This is by far the most annoying, frustrating, exciting game of the season.
  11. Cam missing WIDE FUGGIN OPEN PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF SHouldn't even had come to that if Ginn just catches the fuggin ball.
  12. It was inevitable that the Saints score quick. Just how the season has gone.
  13. This is the fuggin CRAZIEST and WEIRDEST game all year.
  14. NOw the refs are keeping the ball from Cam? WTF, the obvious blatant hatred towards us is on full display today
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