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Everything posted by Castavar

  1. It's going to be one of those plays in the playoffs that causes us to go one and done. You CANNOT do dumb sh*t like that and expect to win in the playoffs
  2. Hell of a run by CAP. That cutback, then juke, then burst to get extra yards. This fool going to be a good one. Even Stew had to smile about that one lol
  3. The next time I hear Cam is being carried by this defense, I'm going to smack the sh*t out of em.
  4. It was just a matter of time. Even extra points are almost always blocked
  5. OBJ should have been ejected on his first swing. The fact the refs let this go on for this long is embarrassing for a league that says they want to protect players. Dude should be ejected, fined, and suspeneded rest of year.
  6. Nortman has been absolute sh*t with these weak punts
  7. FUNCHSS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everytime the dude drops one, he ALWAYS comes back and makes the tough one
  8. lmfao If JPP still had his fingers he would have tipped that ball
  9. HELL OF A FUGGIN PLAYCALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. No doubt a fumble, but knowing these refs, it will "stand"
  11. I gotta question, why is it a MUST that Tillman hurries and plays this week? I honestly don't get it. Yeah, we have injuries, but I have no doubt we could handle the Giants (and even the Falcons again) without Tillman, especially with this offense. That's two weeks extra rest and he could play a few snaps in the Bucs game to somewhat knock off rust. I just don't get why it seems this week is THE week to bring him back.
  12. A screen WITHOUT the double fake? Are my eyes deceiving me?
  13. Norman 2-0 in clutch situations against Cooks hahahahahahahahahahaha
  14. Of all the plays to audible, you go to that same dumbass play?
  15. THE MOST RETARDED FUGGIN PLAYCALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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