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  1. Potentially had THE best catch of the year, only to be a footnote and forgotten because we Panthered our way into another L because Chuba decided it wasn't necessary to hold the ball with two hands going up the middle. Who am I kidding, Eddy was going to miss that FG anyway, because thats what the Panthers do. And yes, that was the easiest call you could overturn. It had everything; knee down, elbow down, laces on the ball didn't move=ball controlled to the ground. This sh*t gets fuggin old. Cotchery caught that fuggin ball. Answer me this, do they overturn that call if it was the Chiefs? I think we all know the answer to that. I just want fair calls for ALL teams, but Vegas has ruined sports.
  2. That is like the first time in a long time I've seen one of our WRs actually bail out our QB for once
  3. We deserve to lose if you aren't even going to run it one time on this drive
  4. Says they have the video and then not show it lmao Yeah, this is all BS
  5. Thats game lol they bout to run it straight down our throat to a TD
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