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  1. Drake gotta be punching air right now lol
  2. Dude could have been THE WR1 here and got paid. Now he will be out of the league
  3. Herbert just a Philip Rivers clone lol
  4. lmfao Why even bother having reviews if you aren't even going to call it right afterwards? That was a clear first down.
  5. Whatdoyaknow. The Panthers passed on the more NFL ready player for "potential".
  6. Easy 10/10. Our offense was actually competent the majority of the time this year, his play designs are fuggin beautiful, he's scheming people open, he's built a culture already, we went toe to toe (and should have won both games) against superbowl contenders, players seem to respond well to him, all of this in one year. All we wanted to see is improvement throughout the year, and that's exactly what we saw. Started off rough first half of season, looked miles better to end it. And if not for all the damn injuries, we possibly could have taken the division. I liked what I saw as the season progressed, and I would give him a minimum 2 more years to continue to build this team. Don't forget we were the absolute laughing stock of the NFL coming into the season. We AT LEAST made it back to competency.
  7. He would be an insane get. Dude is a legit #1
  8. I'm usually pro tank in situations like these. Like when Rhule was fired, I wanted us to tank hard and trade anybody worth a damn and just continue losing. I also wanted us to tank that last Saints game in like 2020 I wanna say to get a better pick. However, this year just seems different. I feel like we have something with this coaching staff and building some culture and personality. At some point you really do have to figure out how to win close games. This year feels like that year when Cam and Co just kept losing close games and went like 6-10. Then the following year we just showed out. And like others have said, we've been so ass at drafting that it has changed my whole mindset about wanting to tank and lose games. Fug that, I just want a win wherever I can get it now. Yesterday felt great!
  9. And there goes the patented holding call when it hasnt been called all game
  10. Come on now, even the Bryce doubters gotta give him props for that drive
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