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Everything posted by Daddy_Uncle

  1. The thing is from what I can tell, most teams first teams play preseason like the regular season, while our first teamers half ass the preseason. As long as we get it together for the regular season, then Im good
  2. It's not the season. It's the preseason. You shouldn't whine about the preseason.
  3. lol it's Kuechly we are talking about. That is the last man to worry about. Just wait until the games actually matter
  4. I thought we brought in a bunch of guys specifically for their special teams coverage skills
  5. Hope Frank is okay. Hope its not one of those seasons again
  6. there will be a positive that will come from this. Roster spot opens up Lee Ward now
  7. Just an opportunity for the other guys to make a name for themselves. We can survive
  8. Looks right to me besides a few things. Funchess is lower than I expected and Bersin as the number 2 PR gives me horrible flash backs.
  9. I am so glad that we picked up Charles Tillman. He just drills into these guys to go for the ball every single play. Whether it's in the air, or constantly trying to punch it out of people's hands. Just get the ball. The young DBs are listening. Should be a high turnover year for us
  10. remember when our tackles were Bell and Chandler? I don't know how Cam ever got any sleep at night
  11. Can someone please explain to me the hatred towards Bersin? Okay, he sucked as a punt returner. Big deal. He is a big reliable target that Cam loves throwing to. He has great hands, and isn't afraid to go across the middle and take hits. The hatred people have against him makes no sense. He has worked hard and earned his spot on the team.
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