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Everything posted by Daddy_Uncle

  1. I want to see another screen pass to Wegher for a long run. Or a screen to Byrd
  2. Wegher and Ward better make this team. If they don't something is terribly wrong, and it will just tell other players that this coaching staff plays favorites and hard work and performance doesn't pay off. And I don't think that is the case
  3. Wegher and Ward better make this team. If they don't something is terribly wrong, and it will just tell other players that this coaching staff plays favorites and hard work and performance doesn't pay off. And I don't think that is the case
  4. there is no way Fozzy makes the team Stew CAP Wegher Todman
  5. Is there no other way to pronounce Weghers last name? I mean sheesh
  6. I completely disagree. I think you keep the youth over a washed up veteran. We don't need the veteran leadership from Cotchery. Proehl and Ginn are enough "veteran" mentors. Bersin has earned his spot on this team. Cotchery hasn't done poo
  7. didn't really play last week either. I honestly don't think he will make the team. He will probably retire
  8. God Byrd did his best Bersin impersonation on the punt return
  9. Boykin and Bersin are pretty equal. Not stars but they both catch everything
  10. Will hurt less with Funchess back. Not having either freaking sucks
  11. Highlights far from this game 1) Offensive line 2) Shaq 3) CAP 4) Boykin
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