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Everything posted by Daddy_Uncle

  1. I think that was a clear example of tanking. But seems like a shanked fg would have been easier
  2. Lamelo is out for tonight's game. Along with everyone else. Probably won't even tune in
  3. I think Saluan will work out in the long run. He's very young but plays hard and obviously has talent. He's not even 1/4 of the way through his rookie season. Too soon to call him a bust. I was very unhappy with the pick but I'm going to be optimistic
  4. Good god the hornets and injuries is just insane. We can't continue to sit on out hands while all our players keep getting hurt. Are there no FAs to sign or D leaguers that can be brought up. We are getting dangerously thin
  5. I think we need to give Dave Canales a lot of credit. I don't think there are many coaches that could have this team playing well
  6. I think win or lose we may look back at this game as the one that turns us around
  7. Anybody in the stadium wearing panthers gear? Besides the team
  8. If we could ever actually get to full health we would be a problem
  9. There shouldn't be a limit. Anyone that had a hall of fame worthy career, should get in
  10. Time to release or trade mark williams. So soft and pathetic seeing him on the bench every night. Seriously needs to toughen up. Doesn't act like he cares about playing
  11. Officials certainly aren't helping the Hornets
  12. Can't miss easy ones and expect to beat Cleveland
  13. I hope we prioritize defense as well. Get the best pass rusher with our first pick and beef up the front 7
  14. You think it's been bad thus far.. well next game is the Cheifs and they surely won't let them lose to the Panthers
  15. We have to find a center somewhere. Even if we have to pull someone off the street
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