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About Daddy_Uncle

  • Birthday 12/25/1989

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  1. Lakers must have had some dirt on Dallas. I have no idea how this happens
  2. It's harder to win mvp than a superbowl. Many no name bums have super bowl rings
  3. Luke Kuechly can teach guys more from the sidelines of practice than this guy
  4. Like it matters. Teams been eliminated from playoff contention for a while
  5. This is a pretty great running back draft class. We should be able to snag one mid round. Also sign a decent vet
  6. They needed to be humbled. They thought they had already won it all
  7. I thought Center was already our weakest position in terms of depth. So let's trade one of the best backup centers in the league. But thank goodness for some future second round picks
  8. Definitely don't hate it. Got a few of my favorites. Jack Sawyer isn't falling to 53 though
  9. I think we are going to go hard on the defensive front 7 in free agency and draft
  10. Tyler Warren reminds me of Luke Kuechly. TE version
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