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Everything posted by davos

  1. Yeah the single-year turnover was like 75+% of the 53-man. It was insane. I remember an article from back then that highlighted it was one of the highest year-to-year turnover in the modern NFL or something. Need to dig that up
  2. I guess a follow up would be how would've done anything differently: I'd like to think Tepper would have recognized he was brand new to this from the start and gotten a NFL exec committee together--IDing a GM that could manage and lead a HC search with his vision in mind. It would have resulted maybe with an inner-circle type hyped HC who had a vision in line with the GMs. And let them predicate if they wanted Cam or not. Hell, the McCaskey's are doing this, same with Mara. Bienemy, Stefansky, Eferblus, maybe even Kellen Moore could've worked better. Experienced, hard-nosed non "hype" guys. Then with that a season early (when it should have happened) have them manage in line with their vision. If it was an experienced guy, I don't see a Hurney-Rhule contract frenzy spree on a Robbie Anderson or re-signing CMC. It would be a lines out retooling with a GM & Coach in lockstep and starting together at the same time. The reworked roster would've maintained some guys we didn't, we would've identified a better "bridge" or honestly, hell, Bridgewater could've been fine as that bridge QB. We would've monitored the last draft differently, and then honestly could have had been simply much further along and in position to draft a QB right now. It's all just unfortunate.
  3. Staying perfect. Don’t think we see any upsets.
  4. That boy may not be playing football but he’s played very well
  5. It also made me think Brady may have not had a ton of say with Rhule, maybe influenced the Marshall pick but it was disappointing not getting any of that line these past few years. Cushenberry, D Lewis, or Saahdiq Charles (I really liked him)
  6. If you think you found that guy in the draft and he's there, you grab him. Problem is I don't trust that our current staff would identify that correctly and could reach for the wrong one and we're stuck with a Daniel Jones-type situation. The greater question to ask is what type of QB worth passing on? A high ceiling type but not mobile (Stafford/Ryan type), like Strong (who I love) would get pummeled into Darnold/Carr mode. You need a line for that type of guy. This draft...Corral, Willis, & Ridder could be in the cards. Corral is the one that COULD be special IMO. His arm with that athleticism is damn enticing. But then you immediately have to make the line the priority before skill players to support the dude. As things stand now, Stroud and Young look special out of the gate in 2023. Same would apply for them if our line for some reason still sucks next year. Not liking much else with that class at all (Rattler and McCall? ehh) so if we're not complete crap next year, they will require a trade up. Also consider there is a ton of QB openings on the horizon with retirements and busts (WAS, NO, TB, PIT, NYG, GB, ATL, DEN, DET, uncertainty with MIN & LVR). Teams are going to be gunning. I'm not hopeful we navigate this correctly with the current crew.
  7. There’s still a chance Brady becomes a good coach. He got a huge opportunity way too early in his career thanks to our ineptitude. He could excel down the road.
  8. Very true and good post. Maintaining a competent winning floor until you find your QB is how the best teams do it. These aren’t small rosters so you can’t just blow it up like NBA teams.
  9. Yeah I was basically saying that anticipating people to say losing all of them caused it. We could’ve totally reworked the roster into a contender with a coach & QB transition. Not just cutting losses earlier and promoting Beane may hurt us for some time. Hurney 2.0 was weird and awful. And you’re right, we passed or got fleeced in so many top OL talent. Bakhtiari, Bitonio, Dawkins, Wills, Wirfs, Slater, I mean there’s countless 1st-3rd rounders we could’ve easily taken. Our only true draft investments in god knows how many years has been basically Little, Brady C and Brown. I mean, it’s insane how little we’ve focused on it multiple regimes now.
  10. The 2017 season’s Saints loss was our last playoff game. Funchess not coming away with that catch It is January 2022 Since then, a few teams have been rebuilt into new playoff forces. Bills, Titans, Bengals. Heck, the Eagles won the SB that year with Foles/Wentz and Doug Pedersen. They’ve since reworked their roster, new coach, new QB. Losing Olsen, Cam, Luke, & TD so abruptly no doubt caused our descent into this bottom barrel abyss but I really don’t think we should be accepting such a long term rebuild. It’s starting to get ridiculous with this playoffs showing us to our faces what Rhule and Tepper say they can’t do with this 5 year rebuild BS. The proof has been on the screens. If we don’t look good early next season, we should get out the chopping block by week 4-5.
  11. Yeah I just think a WR unit is one of the easier to rebuild as well. FA prices for them have gone down with how many have come through the past few drafts. I am hopeful for Shi
  12. Imagine the Bills at this level against what we were vs Miami lol
  13. DJ Moore is our best way out here. We can reconfigure that crew. Hell, I’d try to trade him and Robbie.
  14. Not to mention Sam Cosmi, Jackson Carman (has been awesome), or Dillon Radunz. Plenty of OL talent we traded back (hopefully still targeting) and ended with Terrace Marshall & Tremble with our compensation.
  15. That was John Fox level 4th quarter zone right there.
  16. I kind of love that for both teams. Bills would be huge SB faves (barring the injury situation) and it would gift us a really nice position in the draft. Do wonder if teams in fact sniff for CMC at the hope he's just in a 2-year injury rut after being pretty unscathed otherwise. Could be a straight up IMO.
  17. Singletary came out on a mission today. You can see he sipped some of that zombie syrup.
  18. He hasn't said anything since very fluffy PR stuff midseason. I don't like his silence, but he owns the team. Soooo--there's really not much any of us can do so I just don't bother thinking about it. He knows the team is embarrassing. We're also the "not talked about nationally" embarrassing, so he's probably not used to this situation. I just really doubt he's got Matt Rhule convincing him everything is fine. But I won't put him on some untouchable pedestal. He's walking a line right now and not saying much. We'll see. If we can't find a guy with an offensive vision, Rhule is gone. And I think it could still happen because Rhule clearly wants a subordinate and not a guy to just run an offense. That turns up poor candidate when the HC is so poor.
  19. But speaking to that both Bak and Dawkins were these OG/Ts that people didn't think would translate to LT. And they did. They're also such obvious examples of why many GMs and HCs aren't doing this strict measurables or out standard we apparently hold.
  20. One of my biggest "oh man how did this happen" situations is that 2 of the more coveted LTs still on the younger/mid career level are Dave Bakhtiari and Dion Dawkins. Both HEAVILY considered that OG/T mid-round fringe type who eventually excelled because the league has changed a bit defensively and needs flanking each o-line. McDermott knew we wanted Dawkins, traded up for him one spot ahead of us in his first draft. We landed Moton. Earlier on in our times, Hurney drafted *yack...Edmund Kugzilla and the VERY next pick was Dave Bakhtiari. Those are my 2 biggest OL miss outs we've had, I would say even bigger than this whole 2020 Wirfs or 2021 Slater convos. We ended up with long term potential starters so its not as detrimental as getting fleeced.
  21. 27-0, 300 yards, 4 TDs. Good Gahd King! That man’s got kids dammit!
  22. The Bengals and (hopefully) Bills advancing is good for the NFL. Between those two teams and KC+LAC, there will be some damn good AFC teams for a bit. And never sleep on TEN. NFC is a bit depleted, especially come Rodgers and Brady retirements.
  23. I’m just going to pretend the Bills are the Panthers if JR fired Gettleman and Rivera when he should’ve. Go Bills!
  24. In this case, I do think DJ Moore should be considered. Pick up his 5th year and trade him to a contender who will re-sign him. I actually think he’d be a pretty great fit in either Buffalo next to Diggs or KC along with Hill as that added for-sure weapon Mahomes has wanted.
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