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Everything posted by davos

  1. True. Doesn’t make him our best option moving forward but he should at least be thrown there for the time being.
  2. Likely not, the fact that no one, coaches and fans can’t even figure out where to slot BC tells us what we need. He’s at best a top swing-OL/backup type and I’m honestly not too high on him as a long term starter. We still just have Moton and hope. We need a minimum 2 decent FA signings and a mid rounder at G/C to make it better than below-average/mostly miserable.
  3. If this happens with all the supposed assets we're giving up, they really need to take on Darnold for a year along with giving us a mid-round pick in 2022. Would be nice to have one of their third rounders for an OG/C. HOU gets: 2022 1st (6), 2023 1st, 2023 3rd, 2024 1st, Brown, Burns, & Darnold (Dangle Robbie if need be) CAR gets: Watson, 2022 3rd (68), 2023 4th I'd really hate to give up Chinn or Horn. Those two could help keep a really strong unit together.
  4. This type of major deal typically spurs a few more moves. Could see us trading CMC, Robbie, and/or a few others. Could be a much different team come Monday/Tues
  5. Not defending the dude you're responding to but Scot's thread is interesting about Strong not interviewing well with teams at the combine. Seems like Corral also doesn't leave the best impressions. Doesn't help their cases but I do see Strong as the best pure passer in the class. I just wouldn't get any hopes up he'll be coming here. I think we're obviously a trade, Mariota-level signing or Willis/Pickett at this point.
  6. Given how the market is shaking out, there’s not a ton at our disposal that would be a potential franchise grab. Really looking like Cross or Penning. I selfishly would love Garrett Wilson but know OL is the must. Tepper needs to accept QB limbo that the Broncos were in for 6 years and find a new GM and coach first. But I fear Plan B is indeed reaching for a QB at 6 in the event no one comes here, which is likely. We’re about to experience a Paxton Lynch/The Golden Calf of Bristol/Drew Lock type situation.
  7. Don’t sleep on Haener, Slovis or Levis as well. I love me some Haener.
  8. You really have to check out what we’re left with after something like this. We absolutely cannot make more of these Darnold/Hendo trades with our 2nds and 3rds if this goes down and I’d imagine we could add a Texans mid round pick to next year as well in return. I also think 3 first and 2 players is too damn high. 2 firsts+2 players sure, 3 firsts+1 player okay but stretching things thin moving forward. And if 3 firsts, one of those is conditional at the minimum as with the Wentz trade. When the players discussed are proven 1st rounders on their rookie deals, that’s honestly better value than a first. Burns & Brown would be my choices and they’d have to take on Darnold if they are getting that high of value from us. We’re also getting depleted draft wise if we make an offer that outbids other teams. We’d basically be skipping this draft.
  9. I really liked him during the college season and went into the offseason high on him as my #2. However since, I’ve done a bit of a 180. He has some very important traits you look for but even if you’re immobile, you need to be able to evade and stay elusive in the pocket. I don’t seem him as such. His awareness can be streaky so with those two factors combined, could get sacked a lot in the league. Pretty much needs to go to Pittsburgh or NO to succeed. Has the most pure passing abilities and best arm in the class. And was asked to make NFL level decisions at the LOS. Those are some major pluses. Think he could be pretty damn good but I don’t think he works here. Does remind me a bit of Stafford.
  10. I guess the point I’m trying to get at is it seems a lot of people have gotten to this well-rounded perspective with Corral and prefer him. But then everything we here from the scouting insiders, The Athletic, and a few other spots indicate otherwise. Mostly that it’s Willis and Pickett then Corral is in a lower tier low first/high second. Howell and Strong not far behind. And Ridder is high but just on a few team boards. Same with Glass. Just curious to what the team scouts don’t see in Corral that they do with Willis. Very possible this draft has an active late 1st/Early 2nd round for QBs.
  11. I liked Ridder at the start but if you take a 10,000 ft look, I just find him awkward as f$ck. Flick thrower, and he fakes hero ball (that statement is a thread in its own right) Same sentiment with Strong for different reasons. I see an awesome arm and knack for modern offenses and in-game decision making is great….but he is just not elusive. Not speaking to mobility, but elusiveness. Makes me nervous as hell. He belongs in NO
  12. Cliff or tunnel we’re shoving our poo in it or over it brother
  13. I don’t but it looks like our route to go. Sometimes you’ve passed all the on-ramps before the tunnel.
  14. Is it the arm, the legs or the combo of both? Because it seems teams are a bit timid with Corral but I see his games, and he honestly seems like the best combo of ready, mechanics, and intangibles out of this crowd. However, word is scouting crews don’t even view them on the same tier. And let us not forget Corral was consensus #1 before Pickett didn’t slow down. Both have a curve with playbooks but I wonder is Corral’s supposed douchiness is a factor? I dunno, maybe we can get a convo going here. We’re staring at these two before Young, CJ, Levis, Haener and Co. Why is Corral behind small-hands and Willis? Is he not as legit as let on?
  15. It’s gonna be Willis. Boom/bust time peeps
  16. At this point, just draft him. At best he looks legit but we lose enough for Rhule to get canned. At worse, he’s the reason chinless lasts minimum 2 more years. Yeah, he doesn’t have the gravitas that a Cam or big conference prospects have, but might as well gamble for him rather than an average floor/possible bust with no value type in Pickett.
  17. Looking more and more like a Watson, Malik/Pickett or Jimmy G scenario for us. My guess it’s Malik if Watson doesn’t get settled.
  18. I could see Minshew returning to his home state. Think Lock’s starter days are done at this point. Really surprised Denver managed this while keeping their WR group and Javonte. Wowza The question now is who does this prompt to make a move? AZ? SF? SF is not far off if they get an explosive piece alongside Samuel. Mitchell was great but wonder if they’d be interested in CMC.
  19. It really seems we’ve always had Watson in mind and never deterred. Everything else has been bailout second ditch effort moves. If it’s true, I find it strange to be so intent on him.
  20. Opposite man leaked the opposite. I bet his dumb as considered it for a few days.
  21. This is 2023 chess right now. SEA is the first to ammo up. We still don’t seem in that mindset.
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