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Everything posted by davos

  1. The "Previously On" clip has been released and features Benjen. WTF. And then...has anyone heard this?: The first minute of it is the Stark theme and it turns into the Dornish theme. Soooo hyped.
  2. ​The first half of the spoilers are legit but the questionable photo is still questionable. The second half, I've heard differently over at Watchers on the Wall and the ASOIAF subreddit. Apparently it's some guy on 4chan claiming all of this.
  3. ​How/where/what team have they been putting Coleman with? He was interesting to me given he started the bulk of his career in Philly, McD knows him, and he played well when he was asked to step in for KC last year.
  4. ​My dream predictions (trying to be in a sequence): -Arya kills Meryn, gets blinded -The Pink Letter or a version of it arrives at the wall -Dany gets to the Dothraki Dragonstone -Then....Which could be a CRAZY fast-forward for the show in what many may expect to happen in WoW/DoS: Both Tommen and Myrcella are killed (who may be close already in the books because of Darkstar) -During Cersei's walk, there's a montage of cutoff scenes with Jaime/Myrcella/Trystane being attacked by the one pissy Sandsnake who kills Myrcella but Jaime kills her. Then, Tommen is still starving himself when the Spider comes in and booyah! The walk ends, she looks up at Robert Strong. -Segway...Varys continues to walk through the keep, comes across Pycelle next, booyah!, then Kevan...booyah! -Then FTW can go down, something different happens -TWoW release date is announced at the end of the credits ----I left out the North minus the Wall because I have honestly no idea how it's going to go down. I think they're still going to have Davos somehow learn of Rickon & Bran being alive (through Sansa) and they BOTH venture to Last Hearth (instead of Davos as an envoy to White Harbor & Skagos). The Battle of Winterfell should happen or something close because the Ramsay actor has an interview where he has blood all over war clothes. I have no idea...I'm f'n stoked.
  5. ​Buffalo nickel is a good way to put it. It's a player mold Rivera has wanted for a while and I'm sure McD and Ron are excited to use him out there.
  6. Regarding Bersin: Every team's situation is unique but looking around the league, the guys in comparable depth situations are like Bernard Weedy, Junior Hemmingway, DeVier Posey, Marc Mariani...even with some better teams, you're looking at Jeff Janis, Kevin Norwood, Matt Slater, Kamar Aiken, etc. (Even for fantasy buffs: there are some names you've probably never heard of) For the Panthers: Out of 177 receptions by wideouts last year, Bersin had 13. RECEPTIONS 1-KB (73) 2-Cotchery (48) 3-Brown (21) 4-Avant (21 before released) --Then you had: 5-Bersin (13) 6-Webb (1) Now, factor in: -KB maintaining/increasing looks -Funchess being our 2nd option, higher looks than Cotchery IMO, ridiculous ceiling -Brown's role should likely increase given what we hear is the coach's positive perception of him and how they used him last year So...That could easily be around 85%+ of our receptions especially given Brown kinda moved into Avant's role when he left. If Bersin does well, he could get around 20 reception IMO (25-30 would be generous). The situation with Cotchery, Bersin, Byrd, Hill and Boykin is a good one and it will give us a decent 4th/5th option to place along with Brown and Ginn. But bigger picture wise, it's a very minimal role anyways. Out of those 13 receptions people are basing him off of last year, 2 were pretty good 3rd down conversions. I distinctly remember one being a nice leaping grab on a high thrown crossing route...he's actually more athletic than will be credited for. He sucked balls on PRs but that was a weird situation all around with STs.
  7. If he leapfrogged the Canadian dude, are they pretty much having him compete with Martin for the backup LT spot?
  8. I was trying to be fair with my assessment but alright. We're fine in that department. No issues. I'm not going to pretend I know every play that's going to happen and never claimed so...and you're getting defensive with someone trying to find common ground with you. From my perspective, historically and from watching this team as a fan the past few seasons, Shula looks to have deficiencies. I don't see what's wrong in saying that but alright, I'll take you're word. Coaching is not an issue.
  9. ​We had a clear deficiency in the redzone last season and to say playcalling was not a factor is just blind. Not saying it's 100% the issue but a big chunk and to say it falls on execution...well I completely disagree.
  10. ​Well if you're talking strictly sales, there's plenty to dissect but the thread was more about quality which there is a ton of out there. It's easier to have a spotify account or find stuff online but that doesn't diminish any quality (which it seems you do w/Pandora). But with Vinyl, it's something you can preserve, collect, and I really don't think it's a hip trend. It's for people who like albums. Most record stores by me have as big new music sections as the used and people have never really strayed away from it like has been done with a-tracks and cassettes, and CDs. I think the idea that it's some hipster trend is highly inaccurate.
  11. ​I don't think it's nostalgia. Plenty of young people are buying vinyl nowadays...and not just urban outfitter f*cks
  12. ​ There's some truth and faults in this logic. I just find that there are weird expectations from older generations not about the quality but where the quality comes from. When the expected outlets of quality music start going down, they diss the entirety of the music industry. It's not that hard to find some awesome music nowadays. There may not be a second coming of Tales from Topographic Oceans or Demons and Wizards but there's great stuff out there.
  13. ​I agree. There's plenty of great music out there through different outlets than the top 40. There's utter sh*t like exhibited in this thread but that's been the case for every generation. What I'm saying is probably what those who say "music is dead" expect to hear, but it's f*cking true. I do believe hip-hop is nearing its end however (from how it was defined in the 90s at least). As a musician, people who say there's nothing good anymore aren't worth the time to talk to music with. If anything there's so much music out there at our disposal that you can find whatever floats your boat but also try to magnify the sh*tty like people do in this thread.
  14. The area I'm most confident in: Our D sustains the late season form or better. Ron/McD got the wildcard/playmaker on defense they've wanted so badly. Also, the secondary has come a LONG way since the beginning of last season when many were expecting to start Melvin White and Josh Thomas initially (lol). Now? Josh-Bene-Tillman-Teddy-Peters-etc...so much better from a confidence standpoint. The offense will produce. We were fine with getting the ball into the redzone but our tendencies with Shula are to have random, ill-timed cold streaks and punching it in the endzone outside of a Cam run within the 5yl. We have made measures to assure success in a road grader in Williams, a fresh healthy non-fumbling RB, and another monster of a wideout. The offense is FINALLY more built for the offense the coaches have been trying to run. Chain movers that control the tempo of the game. When things need to heat up though, we've now got enough ammunition to do so.
  15. If Korver rebounds that definitely changes the dynamic of the series.
  16. Born in 87, the fam moved to Charlotte in 91 from Marietta so the Panthers were my first and only football team growing up. Although the first team (in general) I was a fan of was the Hornets. Never got into ATL sports...well I was only like 3 y/o when I moved. Hornets, Panthers, Bobby Labonte, Davis Love III.
  17. Regular season wise, beating the defending champs 12-9 in OT by destroying them on ST was great. Definitely one of my faves. The second home Dallas playoff game is the favorite I attended. Overall though...Rams playoff.
  18. I simply proposed some questions in the Brady megathread on reddit... -28 points in like 9 minutes: "Just curious: Why would Tom Brady refuse to give out his text conversation with McNally? And why would these two locker room guys be lying only with one another about the situation when it was clearly just between the two of them to their knowledge during the tampering? It just seems odd"
  19. Who's all down to stay in it this season? Hand raised
  20. I like not being christened paper champs. We addressed all of our needs this offseason in one way or another and have the parts in place to make a run. I swear if AZ didn't grab Humphries and we drafted him, these networks would be saying we're a top contender lol.
  21. This thread is about Cecil's older evil brother
  22. This IMO is the most accurate map (GRRM approved). It includes the red waste and beyond: And my edited version with a tGEotD theory mapped into it:
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