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Everything posted by davos

  1. If the passing game looks like crap this weekend, we'll probably pick up another team's cut rather than grab a guy that's still a FA right now. We probably won't make any sudden changes until we see how these guys perform without KB and Devin. Queen Thor is gon' shine (jk)
  2. The only thing that can help me out right now would be the Winds of Winter release date being announced.
  3. I'm hoping he meant Chud haha We're still building towards Cam's strengths as a squad which in effect makes Shula's offense more effective. I think the biggest asset we could use an upgrade to on offense (outside of LT of course)--would be over Dickson but it's probably not this year. If we found an all-around type TE that could take care of outside linemen and score, that with Funchess, KB, and Olsen would be ridiculous.
  4. Huh? I was referring to Marlowe who I'm interested in. Probably could have worded that better.
  5. It sounds like Brown is looking sharp. Even though one of his grabs was against Marlowe, I'm still really interested in that kid. He could be a PS stash that doesn't get scooped up. Heath continues to impress. It sounds like he may be 4th in line at CB behind Norman, Bene, and Peanut. Who gets that last one? White, Byndom?
  6. Totally. Fresh legs nowadays are huge and we've got a lot of them coming into this season with an improved OL. It's a bonus we start off v. JAX haha but that Texans game will be a good early test.
  7. With Stewart seeming healthier than ever and this promising crop of young runners, this RB group makes me hella-excited. This team seems to have a big itch this season. I hope it translates in a very good way.
  8. Yeah I'll be interested to see how these hyped up UDFAs translate this preseason. Marlowe, Byrd, Ward, Wegher, etc. --we will see.
  9. Yeah in my earlier post I alluded to him having all the other measurables scouts usually look for. He's a monster.
  10. The weight conversation in here reminds me of the arm length debate for the LT spot as well. Looking at some top LTs, most of their arm sizes are under that "ideal" length and many were ones overly dissected in the draft process. Gross, Joe Thomas, Roos, Levi Brown, Jason Peters...all under 34" Peters, who is arguably the best LT in the NFL is 6'4, has 33" arms, and until this year would usually show up at camp around 340 (He's down to like 320 this year). Hell, our LT for the SB squad was over 320 btw.
  11. This is great news. Per the debate about weight, I totally forgot Bell was 340 lbs though. Geez louise. And if a 6'5 327 guy with the attitude, other measurables and a great college career to back it up looks adequate, let's roll with it. Huge improvement over Bell (and possibly Oher) regardless. Also, It's better than Chandler getting thrown around like a rag doll (who really just needs to be a back up G/emergency T). I still find it interesting that we're so keen on Remmers at RT and backup C because if some people want to really dissect size and all of that, he's the most ideal LT frame on the team. 6'5, 310, great lb-for-lb strength, and has the arms/hands size you want. Oregon State moved him to LT. There just has to be a legit reason our staff wants these bigger guys on the left though. I guess they're not worried about RDE speed rushers with Cam or something. I dunno.
  12. Have they been using Klein as the primary backup to Luke?
  13. I think the staff as a soft spot for Horton. I see him making it as a DE again instead of a 5th DT. Klein is a mystery to me. There will definitely be an odd man out from Mayo, Glanton, Trusnik, and Klein. It's been pretty quiet on the Houston and Teddy W. fronts but that back end CB battle should be fun to watch. I like Young and White and can see us keeping only 5 considering what Jones and Shaq bring. The new fan faves in Wegher and Ward will be interesting to see. I think it's possible both could make the active but Ward has the better shot.
  14. Yeah that's what I'd imagine. Good stuff so far this offseason man. You've been killing it with the updates.
  15. Wasn't CAP's pass protection abilities one of his strengths coming in? I'm sure he'll need to improve (given the what's in the OP) but I thought that was one of the reasons DG mentioned we grabbed him over some other RBs.
  16. Overall, I'm still feeling great about this squad. Awesome coverage Zod. Beyond the Oher coverage, I think many are just assuming the other 4 spots are a-ok which I hope they are...but...I hope what Remmers showed during the tail end of last season wasn't just a flash in the pan. This Williams kid looks promising too. I'd like to know if any of the other OTs (Wallace, Hills) seem to be pushing Chandler for a spot and how the backup guards are looking. (But I understand OTs are hard to judge in camp, especially the ones far on the depth chart) Also, it looks like Fozzy and CAP have roster spots to lose so I think Todman v. Wegher becomes a battle to watch.
  17. By the sounds of it, this is the guy I'd want at FB when we line up in the I. He could make the active over Brockel (We still have Brockel right? haha)
  18. That's my question. He's played it before back in the day and seems more in-line size wise for an LT. Remmers at LT with Williams at RT would be what I'd like to see an experiment with if things with Oher aren't working out come regular season. Not saying do it now, but if things aren't working down the road. I'm definitely willing to see Oher through.
  19. How's that back-end tackle depth with Hills and Wallace look?
  20. Nice! I've been excited about Coleman so it's cool to hear he's impressing.
  21. I've heard good things about Tony Hills for how far along his technique is at tackle. Any word on that Martin Wallace guy? We scooped him up right around when we found Remmers but was injured early on if I'm not mistaken.
  22. Wegher at RB, Coleman at SS and Marlowe at S/ST I'd like to see Ward get a spot over Brockel given what I've heard about him.
  23. I'm excited to see him and Ward this preseason.
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