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Everything posted by davos

  1. Not taking a stance on the calls but have a question: There are 2 separate calls when it comes to these nasty hits: 1-Defenseless Receiver 2-Helmet-to-Helmet...right?
  2. It's always nice to root for parody, but then there's the Bengals vs. Any Opponent (Minus NFCS+Seahawks)
  3. This is why none of these guys are on the 15-1 Panthers. Crap teams.
  4. Marvin's getting canned. If they are at least a semi-competent org, that's what they'll do tomorrow.
  5. That's a collarbone or clavicle. Yikes.
  6. That would've been an ideal formation to have a waggle PA option for Cam...but points are points. Good drive until the end...10 pt 4th quarter lead.
  7. I'm still trying to let it set in that we've got Jared freaking Allen. I think he still has it, just can't believe Chicago paid him trying him out at OLB in a 3-4. My fingers are crossed for an exciting rest of the season with us on top.
  8. I don't disagree. I'm having fun with the little spat.
  9. Since I can't respond to the other thread...someone's being all Meegan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswjaM5yCro
  10. Jared Allen is a Panther...craziness. Late career renaissance pretty please.
  11. I like the sounds of this: http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/13764437/carolina-panthers-acquire-jared-allen-trade-chicago-bears
  12. I wonder what he did there with the eagle power pre-snap? Awesome Cam
  13. It looked like KK was moving backwards after being shoved causing McNown to go down. He wasn't even facing him.
  14. We need to retake control of the clock. D needs to step up and the offense needs to keep it up.
  15. Jax fans were all pumped they were improved last week, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. The Texans board is just a bunch of stupid.
  16. That JamTex guy thinks our defense is weak? And we run the same offense as KC (Andy Reid WCO)?? I don't even... I thought is was a foregone conclusion that we've had a great defense these past few years so find it weird that people can't seem to see it. It's not even homerism on that board, it's just a lack of football sense.
  17. Damn. Unreal drive by the Eagles. So much talent on that offense.
  18. Thank you again defense. Go for the freaking PA bomb to Ginn and hope he catches it
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