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Everything posted by davos

  1. Two years or 4+ from being a legit contender dependent on if we pull it together w/Rhule. Problem is we're trending down in year 2 of a rebuild, which you know, sucks. And honestly, have no real central leader on either side of the ball. Brown, Chinn, Burns, & Horn are a most solid foundation on D but we seem rudderless as a team with a lack of identity and some bland as$ offense. We need to have some momentum the second half of the season or it will be much bleaker. And this coming offseason, we need to either land known commodities or great draft picks. No more of this mediocre 4-7 year vet former first rounder almost bust mentality. The DL and Secondary are pretty set. But we've built them so at the expense of pretty much everywhere else. We will have a ton of money for Fit to work with so this upcoming offseason will be super telling about who we can realistically pull into the QC and how they want to build the team. If we happen into a special QB that can run this team, that us saves time. But given we've plucked Bridgewater and Darnold so far with this staff, I'm not getting excited for their next choice.
  2. In our bad years, or shall I say most years, this transition most clearly occurs when I prefer redzone over our game. Last week halftime was the first this season. I was just done. Boring product, uninspired play, clueless coaching.
  3. They keep putting this offense in great positions and nothing comes from it. That is just super deflating.
  4. This is the overlying concern and why the state of things is as it is currently.
  5. It makes wonder why the hell they didn’t get a vet NFL coach as an assistant to help guide the chess game they would be having against other coaches. It’s like they all collectively didn’t ever consider the adjustment aspect of game planning. Their clueless reaction to the past few weeks are telling to this. He should’ve spent a few more days fishing with Jimmy Johnson.
  6. There’s a handful of younger backups like CJ Beathard and Gardner Minshew that have looked a lot better than Darnold when asked to play. Those are two I would have been interested. But, what’s done is done. After this season, I highly doubt Tepper will allow someone to go with a reclamation job ever again. So at least it assures us that. Proven vet or rookie is the way
  7. I don’t think Houston would really want him which makes me think it could be a guy up for grabs. Something about Tua and Houston just doesn’t jive for me.
  8. I refuse to believe that man anymore. He really is opposite man. Every time he says something the complete opposite happens. There's just so much BS ; he doesn't even seem bought into his own shtick anymore. Let's see.. Says we'll incorporate Shi Smith into the run game and be a run heavy team; proceeds to run a fraction of the time and with a passing game focus on Keith Kirkwood and force feeding a now unreliable Robby. So many instances of hyping said player only for them to either be released or nothing happens Admission of how and when opposing teams played chess to our checkers (Like don't admit this stuff, it opens the windows to your scheming; or lack thereof) Missed assignments and no leaders on offense (The missed assignments showcase bad coaching) The biggest thing is the sheer lack of focus and ill-preparedness. It seems worse than last season. Foxball actually worked (during that era) when it was well executed, had the play action groove going with Smitty and Moose. Had an awesome primary back with fun young compliments. Diverse misdirects, counters, belly runs, etc. We are diving and stretch running. And our spread offense strangely leaves so many guys outside in the shallow flat; in areas primed for sideline interceptions. And the slant routes are in the kill zone. Not deep or short enough. Leading WRs into a fricken LB rocket launch. It's a bad playbook. Like a poor man's Andy Reid system. This is coming from an offensive coach, with a supposed rising OC future HC, and some of the worst current QB play in the league. Yuckers.
  9. Signing a bad OL is technically an upgrade from Miller, Jordan and Daley, so why not lol
  10. If that happens, just remember Tepper wanted a QB in the draft and we’d be getting shellacked by one we could’ve taken. I can’t imagine he’ll be a happy owner if that goes down.
  11. Yeah looking at it all together helps shed some light on when we’ve walked away with Ws. On a few have even been impressive. Honest—They’ve been leaving a dull taste in my mouth even in a victory. Missed TDs, and a consistently stalling offense in the second half. Worse than Rivera in this regard.
  12. Matt Rhule's Overall Record: 8-15 Let's start last season where strangely enough, we had some early wins and a CMC injury by week three...here's a look--> 2020: vs. Chargers, week 3: 21-16 Rookie coach+QB's 3rd start vs. our rookie coach+vet QB; decent win, but no running game to speak of. Weird play calling from what I remember. vs. Cardinals, week 4: 31-21 Probably our best win under Rhule. Balanced offense, good defense. vs. Falcons, week 5: 23-16 Probably Teddy's best game from us. Overall, week 4-5 of last season were our best looking games under Rhule. Couldn't stop the run to save our life though. Gurley's only decent game last year; he ran over us. vs. Lions, week 11: 20-0 (PJ Walker day) Lions game. Nothing more needs to be said. Also with a coach at the end. Defense won us this one. It was the first game where our run D wasn't getting manhandled by random vets. vs. WFT, week 16: 20-13 (End of year, Rivera banked it in/gave us Haskins) This was ugly. Let us wash it from our memory. Way too close for a Haskins led Rivera squad. 2021: vs. Jets, week 1: 19-14 Offense could not get it going but defense was stout against a rookie coach and QB in their first game. Offense couldn't produce enough so much so that it went down to the final drive or so. vs. Saints week 2: 26-7 Better here but in Saints had like half of their coaches missing. Had a few decent then dull drives ending in FGs. vs. Texans week 3: 24-9 Defense played great, offense played mistake free football but it was by no means flashy. Solid win but against a pretty putrid Texans squad starting a round 2-3 rookie QB What this tells me: Our best under Rhule was week 4-5 of last season and it has been a pretty ugly downward trend since minus the defense getting better. Special teams and offense have been consistently nosediving. The offense has never really produced, only topping 30 one time in our 8 wins, rarely achieving multiple passing TDs in one game. 2 quality wins last year, I'd say 1 this year. Texans game was by 15 but ugly as hell and we dropped like flies during it. Pretty awful resume so far. Outlook: There better be significant growth over the next 2 weeks. We've got a rookie coach next week and then a Mac Jones the following. I HAVE to think Tepper's breaking point will be if we lose to Mac Jones at home and we fall to 3-6.
  13. I mean, if I dislike the owner, coach, QB, and am rarely ever happy about watching them, I would not be a fan. That sounds miserable.
  14. Just clarifying. So you don't like Tepper, got it.
  15. So what are you getting at? That we as "fans" should turn on an owner? I don't like Darnold and not a current fan of Rhule and we've always had OL issues (minus like 3 years in the entire history). People hype up guys going into seasons, and you along with others stayed on the "not a fan" side this offseason (not even cautiously optimistic). So what are you suggesting? I just see negative nonsense.
  16. There's no way in heck Tepper will let them "test" out another project. A rookie deal paired with an 18 mil contract at QB for 1 more season is nothing, nada, zilch. The option is fully guaranteed but it's all about allocation. The avg QB salary is $24 mil. A rookie contract next year would be pennies paired with that. But who's to say we can't trade him for a 6th or 7th like we did that random Ted guy. Why are so many trying to look all snarky when JR and Tepper are running two VERY different ships? The whole "franchise is such a loser" mentality is just a cop out. People claim to be fans but bash the entire org top-down? Now that's having fun lol.
  17. Yeah it's gonna be one or the other. No way in hell they try another reclamation project if Darnold washes out.
  18. The lack of passing TDs from his offense is a big one for me. I think he can crank out some cool stuff but it's the situational playcalling that still gets to me. He should just be the play designer, not caller. He got skyrocketed into his role and these coaches are going through as much growing pains as some dreaded player sophomore seasons. Interested to see how they respond.
  19. The defense didn't even bend much. The Eagles scores were on short fields gifted by crappy calls and poor offense. They had 2 decent chunk plays slip away. ST and Offense lost the game. Biggest losers being Dennis Daley, Joe Brady, Sam Darnold, & John Miller.
  20. True, but if we make a push for a new center and either LG or LT, this team is primed for a vet QB the way the Rams were IMO. I would hope to think a vet QB could help Joe Brady. Brady's inexperience is also why I feel we've avoided rookie QBs with Rhule.
  21. I mean, I don't know if any of these rooks are shaping out well (even being on bad teams). And really, we just gave up a 2nd for Sam (the rest of the picks are all fluid post-R3) Picked up an option but it shouldn't be lost that we don't have Sam locked up. They get 1 more shot at QB if Sam doesn't work out. And it cannot be a reclamation project. Either a vet (Rogers, Cousins, Wilson) or draft (Carson Strong, Malik Willis)
  22. I've been quite surprised by the lack of spread in the shotgun. So many bootlegs misdirects behind an awful OL with trips right.
  23. I've been a very strong supporter of Rhule but my faith in him and his coaching abilities is starting to wane a tad. Straight up love how they've built the defense and offensive weapons, but then you look at the playcalling, lack of pro-level chess playing w/gameplans, OL and QB, it is just really suspect. He's not looking hot but is not done. Now we'll see how they retool after acting a bit cocky these past few weeks a bit too soon
  24. Stayed sober for the games today so some sober thoughts: Under Rhule's regime, there is one I see clear as day. Beyond playcalling or calling out one or two guys like *cough* Miller, Paradis, Daley, Sam, etc. We just leave so many points off the board. We can't fall on a loose ball for a defensive TD, we can't capitalize on a post-safety drive, we continuously, every game, stall out in the worst ways possible at the most inopportune times. Even when the plays go in our favor. A player jukes in the wrong direction, Sam throws for a first but there's a deep TD, etc. etc. Bottom line; the OC-OL-QB combination we have is not working. Not saying to change all immediately, let's give Sam and Brady some more time, BUT if they're being all aggressive, mortgaging picks next year, and eyeing the playoffs, this needs to get fixed pronto. Fit and Rhule seem too "with it" to miss this. If they don't make player adjustments on the line or try something different with our offensive scheme, then I'm going to be officially more on the negative side with Rhule. I like the guy, but today, coming off 1.5 weeks was just BAD. We come out of halftimes flat, and just don't hit on our opportunities throughout these games. You can see what these guys could be in flashes but then we just leave stuff sitting there. We just don't capitalize.
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