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Everything posted by davos

  1. We can at least we can use blind recency bias to get overly optimistic (I.E. Derek & Hurts)
  2. We're all just guessing here and having some fun. Take it for what you want. I tend to use post-draft to turn as optimistic as can be. Take it for what you want, but I'm not ascribing this as some hard truth, just what I'm seeing. If you see something else, provide that and you know, we can shoot the sh*t.
  3. davos


    Yeah Anderson and Darnold just need to find their way off this team. I don't care how at this point. Same goes for Rhule. Those are the 3 black sheep at the moment.
  4. Fair to be skeptical, especially considering who's still running things. But there was a clear effort to upgrade this line and they surprised me with who they brought in. I remember suggesting both Corbett and Bozeman before official FA started and was laughed at saying to look at the mid-level or low tier level guys. Now to peg them as JAGs when they were perceived as two of the better FA IOLs available this offseason is something I'll go to bat for. Corbett may have had the luxury of playing around all-pros, so that could be the Paradis effect, but that's not the case with Bozeman.
  5. It's a wait and see. I'm not anointing him anything, rather recognizing there's been a shuffle in decision making. Outsider observations doesn't equate to pedestal placements. We have no idea the discussions or internal decision making that went into Darnold or who really drove that engine. I'm not claiming I know or assuming Fitterer is this perfect talent evaluator.
  6. Paradis was a question mark coming off a substantial injury. People were hoping he could be his prime self. I don't see how someone can look and call Bozeman or Corbett JAGs. Especially Bozeman. He's started nearly every game for Baltimore and been highly effective since 2018. Austin Corbett started the last two seasons for LAR, McVay brought him in to start alongside Whitworth Allen and Havenstein. So he's played with top talent and was clearly relied on. I just don't see how you can consider them JAGs considering what we've been trotting out. Furthermore, we have the GB o-line coach that coached the guys protecting Aaron for 10 years, helped develop an undersized 3rd rounder in Bakhtiari into one of the league's best LTs. I just don't agree at all.
  7. I wouldn't call this sucking off but okay lol. SO aggressive my dude.
  8. I mean, Corbett is here for a few years, our RG, young, proven and well above average, starting on a SB winning roster. Him and Moton on the right side is as sound as you can ask for. Bozeman was one of the better centers in the league and also plays LG at a very high level. Ask any Ravens fan and they did NOT like seeing him go, well now they're fine because they got Linderbaum. LG is the soft spot because I'm not sold on Christensen being a starter, rather solid depth. But people overlook what having solid anchors on either side of a weak spot can do for the player. If Elf is there at LG or C (depending on how we use Bozeman), he may actually perform a tad better with better talent around him. Deonte is a long shot to make any sort of impact so I don't really factor him in. Ekwonu is our LT. Erving is swing depth. We need to keep adding but man, we have come a long way in a short amount of time. 3 brand new starters along with Moton. It's one spot, developmental guys and depth right now we need to keep working at. And don't forget we actually have not just a competent, but a successful and proven OL coach in house. That impact will be noticed. There's been significant improvement in this department.
  9. Maybe Robbie+5th+6th That would leave us with 3 in the top-150 and a few late rounders (5 & 7th)
  10. Pretty much. If this is how they're going about it, he clearly should have been fired and could have been sitting pretty with Eferblus or whatnot; now just needing to identify a QB. We're just walking between this mediocre to wildcard level line with a HC that just doesn't kick it.
  11. Right? I'm pretty darn confident we've got a top-12 line (playoff caliber) for him, better than he's ever had. And with CMC (knock on wood) & DJ at his disposal, could make him feel like he's playing with Dynami and Javonte again.
  12. Given Tepper's nature, I can definitely see Rhule as some sort of whipping boy right now with Dave blatantly telling him things to his face probably worse than some of the stuff anonymous fans on here write about him.
  13. Have to think if you're Green Bay, you need to help Rogers out, so should you really gamble on tier 2-3 in the WR class that's already had 7 go? Robbie would give them a known commodity and they do have (2) 2nds. It's an interesting destination for sure. Send him to Brown County Wisconsin.
  14. I doubt I'm the only one to notice---but watching these post Round 1 interviews, Rhule's facial expressions, his overall demeanor, you can read it all over. It appears whatever dynamic we had before has changed entirely. He was looking like a man that has others operating at a higher rate around and he's pretty much just on a ride, just playing coach at this point. He's biting his lip, looking into no man's land during the pressers, he's somewhere else, maybebwishing he could have landed his boy Pickett. Or thinking about his next speaknig gig. Maybe it all goes back to the aggressive anti-Rhule sentiment in the fanbase, "Fire Rhule" chants at games and stadium ramps, the highly audible home crowd booing, the poor interviews, and then his subsequent "disappearance". Maybe they told him to hold off but I don't know, it officially seems more than an PR tactic. Fitterer & Dan seem very composed, sound, and with a vision. It gives further questioning into why he's still here and how the hell he will get a locker room going. Overall, I really don't understand what's happening with that man but I hope Tepper and him can agree to part ways sooner than later. He obviously needs to find what will be fulfilling, ideal a college gig with a motivational speaking type shtick side hustle. It looks like this has all been too big for him and he's very humbled right now. Doesn't make me suddenly like where he took this franchise, but something things pretty off. Very excited to see Fit & Morgan really leading the way. We've set up a very solid offense for a talented QB and OC to eventually take over. Now, we just have to find out who that coach & QB are.
  15. Go get scruffy and call it a day!
  16. Id say just leave next years 1st and 2nd alone and at max, just use 1 future pick. If we can maneuver one of our 5ths, 6th, and next years 4th for a 3rd that would be fine. Or maybe throw in a player to get a second. If we want to take a shot at a QB gotta give up something
  17. So is Rhule like done? Just here for a year more and doing as little as possible?
  18. So if Malik doesn’t go to TEN…where tf is the next QB?
  19. I do wonder if Rhule was pounding the table for Pickett and was overrode, then had to slowly see no team interested until 20.
  20. We did not get Pickett. I think that is a big win for the whole fandome
  21. The Cam ride is over. Cam 2.0 is over. And that's that.
  22. I feel a soft Rhule pushout. He's got his training wheels on, riding to colleges for new jobs. Just stay on plan. If a guy falls late 2nd/early 3rd, that capital wouldn't be crazy. Howell and a few others are all in play
  23. Don't forget the coaching upgrade. Just fire Rhule. That is all.
  24. This is the most optimal scenario possible. Icky, Brady, Bozeman, Corbett, Moton There it f*cking is!!!!!!!!! QB time
  25. Best case scenario. Best offensive player on our board, local, no Pickett
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