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Everything posted by cptx

  1. cool. i hope you picked yourself up a seattle jersey when they were cheap earlier in the season
  2. so, ron challenges more than any other coach, and wins more than any other coach. pretty much tells the story of officiating in panthers games
  3. oh noes they are saying mean things to each other, make the bad men stop
  4. people thinking these last two divisional rivals were just gonna lay down for the big bad undefeated team lol. next week will be even better, watch and see.
  5. man this board is gonna implode if/when this team finally loses a game. a whole lotta hubris has been accumulating.
  6. that call was bullshit. if you want to bitch about something the luke and davis whiffs are a little more legit
  7. even if its not a fumble, how was it not grounding?
  8. That's the go-to smack for someone that has nothing else to go with
  9. Yeah. I swear someone in my house was chopping onions a few minutes ago.
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